I really like the rhythm that's established in the intro, you kept it a lil bit loose. More specifically where the bloops hit their highs establish a slightly different rhythm that what the instruments coming later establish and I think that is cool. The mixing of the percussion is nice, the kick and snare has a nice transient to it and the placement of the cymbals do make it sort of feel like a natural-ish beat that could be played on a real drum kit. At 48s I think there's a bit too much drive, or maybe that's the resonance on that low bass. It is nice for 53s when the mid and high elements are absent because you can really focus on it at that point. I like the reverbed square that came in after that too.
I like the second drop because you committed to the resonance-y bass and the percussion for a bit and I sort of liked the minimal vibe it had. I could compare to the sound of 'Wall Fuck' by Flume, where they also use a lot of drive on their instruments. So I think your inclination for using drive on so many elements is not misplaced, it can definitely work.
You're also good at using the video-gamey 'bloop' trill apeggio things if that makes sense, those are neat.