Very rythmic, very melodical, very experimental though, never heard any dubstep tune like this. I like it. I think Dubstep's your thing. I like this one better than the other tune, though the other one's good aswell. I personally would say, work with the bass like a drumkit in Metal. Make it hard when it's loud and make it soft when it's quiet/soft. After all I somehow missed something in this tune. I dunno what it was, probably something like a climax which almost every tune has that I know. I mean as far as I know, dubstep builds up to a climax point where everything gets dropped as hard as possible. A.K.A. Skrillex dropping a big pile of doo doo if you know what I mean ;D
However, try to experiment with some more genres and find out if there's something that you're maybe much much better in. I mean you're rn a better musician than most people I review, cos mostly I'm here to help ppl get the basics or advanced things. You, my friend, probably have the stuff either in your blood or already know that basic and avdvanced stuff and now need to either find your personal top genre or work in the genre you like and learn the details for that.
But it won't hurt learning the basics of the details from other genres. ;) Maybe it helps creating something completely new, just imagine the possibilites.
Anyway, keep doing what you do and you will improve :) As said, you're on the right side of the road.