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Author Comments

This...uh...this is gunna really piss a lot of people off, on both sides of the debate. While I've tried to keep the facts of this story straight, one of the biggest facts is that we don't actually know what many of the important facts are. As such, I've taken some artistic liberty with the story. For those of you who are unsure what I am talking about, I encourage you to research Omar Khadr for yourself, and draw your own conclusions.

I do demand that any comments on this particular piece be kept respectful. I understand that it's highly emotionally charged for many people.

Meanwhile, I have no idea what to call the genre. Metal-Hip-Hop? Hard-Hop? Heavy-Hop? Something.

Here are the lyrics:

I want you to imagine you only 13 years old
when your dad busts in the house slugs a drink
and he opens up his mouth
and decides he’s getting too old

Tells the family he’s had enough of here
and it’s time to move back home
but never fear, he’s got a brother there
so you won’t have to be alone

He buys a plane ticket, but it’s only one way
so you have to say hello to Afghanistan
Next thing you know you’re in the desert
Making bombs for the Taliban

But they ain’t exactly known for letting you quit
and so for two years, you stick with it
Now you’re 15, in a war zone you sit
And the whole place is gunna turn to shit

Boom! And it shakes the room,
more than that it levels the place
there’s screams and guts, pain and cuts
and shrapnel in your face

You can’t recall what happened then,
but they say you pulled the pin
got shot in the chest, and they attest
you killed an American

But you don’t die like they want you to
and there’s only one thing that they can do
lock you away in some foreign jail
where the world can forget about you

And they figure you might have intel
So they decide they just might ask
Enhanced interogation is a word so torture
can wear a PC mask

Locked up without any charges, you’re stuck there several years
You don’t get to make a phone call,
they say National Security fears

You ask about a trial
There’s no sentence on your case
They say you must plead guilty
Or you’ll never leave this place

Meanwhile in your country,
the politicians delay
You’re nothing but a terrorist
They don’t even want you back, they say

They tell the world that you have no rights
But the courts say they’ve lost that fight
And now you’re on another flight
For eight more years of concrete nights

So now you’re out, you can smell fresh air
Or not, house arrest so stay in there
Tracker on your ankle - evening wear
And speak your language? Don’t you dare.

But you got a lawyer now, don’t ask me how
and the Supreme Court members took a vow
to uphold the law and politicians bow
while the whole damn country has a cow

Ten millions dollars later they apologize
While admitting that now they realize
That they can’t ignore the rights of citizens
even publicly known bad guys

And if you find you’re upset at this song
And you think I’m a terrorist, playing along
I’ll remind you that Khadr might not be right
But it’s about what we did wrong.

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I like the apprehensive mood at the beginning and the hard-hitting texture. There were a couple of interesting choices with the balance, like the especially loud hat at :06. Also, I commend you for addressing a controversial subject in the lyrics. The guitar solos are cool - nice job with maintaining a full texture throughout. Some of the lyric phrases were a little clunky and unclear, like “enhanced interrogation is a word so torture can wear a PC mask” - it’s just a few too many words crammed into that phrase. Also, I’m not sure if you did this intentionally or not, but I had trouble making out what you were saying during the instrumental bridges until the very end: the “he’s a terrorist” line hits a little harder when you only recognize what it’s saying at the very end. Still, this piece is thematically bold and topical, and regardless of anyone’s opinions, that deserves a lot of respect. Perhaps I would’ve liked to see you vary the melodic content and texture a little more, but overall I’m really impressed. Keep it up, Ceevro! :)


Ceevro responds:

Dunno...I just had something I had to say on the subject. Yeah, sometimes the flow was a little non-standard, but I regret nothing!

I know this wasn't at all what I normally compose/perform, which is why it had to be relatively simple in execution.

Thanks for taking the time to leave me a review! I always love it when TL pops up! Shows me you care!

From a production standpoint, this is insane. You clearly have a knack for producing hard-hitting, yet nuanced beats. Its reminiscient of Run the Jewels' production, and even a little bit of Death Grips, but at the same time its wholly unique and very much your own, in that it hearkens back to old school hardcore hip-hop and early Madvillain-era experimemtal. Lyrically, its pretty srong throughout and uses some rather vivid imagery, which i find to be pretty appropriate for the subject matter. I do feel, however you could've slipped in a lot more profanity to heighten the aggression a little bit, though i do commend your effort to retaining an intellectual vocabulary throughout. Also, my biggest problem with this song is that i dont feel that your rapping is on par with the stellar production. The flow is rather redundant and sloppy at times, though I dont think thats your fault sincr as a musician, you likely dont practice your rap technique all that much lol. Maybe once NGAUC is over, you can get a more experienced MC to rap over this phenomenal beat. And i know im not a judge or anything, but i feel like a track with this much potential deserves a full review. Awesome work, though. :^)

Ceevro responds:

'Tis true, I'm no rapper. All of your points on my flow are quite valid. Given the subject matter, I had an awful lot to say, and only a certain amount of time to say it in. Rap is really the only genre I could use to get it all out in the time-space. Using profanity is something that I would ordinarily have no issue with, but this time, given that it's a competition piece, I figured I'd try to hit them with poetry over raw aggression. I wanted the meaning of the words to hit harder than my own talent or lack thereof.

This is, however, the first time I've gotten such high praise on production value! Normally, that's the part where I fall short!

Excellent track. Now i do hope you win with this track.

I'm glad somebody is agreed on this topic of Omar Khadr. Poll said 64% of Canadian idiots think he shouldn't get off like this and ask the court to block his payment. The brainwashing is strong with this country. Can't have a talk with people in my city without idiots bringing up shit like "Omar Khadr should be locked away forever" or "he's urr terrurrist".

He's a Canadian, plain and simple. Any idiot says otherwise should get the fuck out of this country. When Christopher Speer's fuck of a wife launched lawsuit, i was laughing. motherfucker you invaded and ransacked other people's country, they took arms against your ass and you got killed. now you trial him, he was a fucking child soldier! Nobody this heartless. You deserve to die fucking imperialist.

i was an imperialist pig served the masters in Afghan for 2 tours. i'll never forget what i did for this government. the horrors and crimes against humanity. it was because of soldiers like me that murdered people of Omar.

sorry i got carried away.

Ceevro responds:


That review means a LOT to me, coming from someone who saw what went on first-hand. Ultimately, what I can say for sure about the issue is that Omar Khadr's rights ARE my rights and they ARE the very rights that you fought for. If we deny him those rights, then we become exactly what we were supposed to be fighting against!

Thank you so much for this. Might be the most meaningful review I've ever had.

Credits & Info


4.14 / 5.00

Jul 12, 2017
8:18 PM EDT
File Info
7.2 MB
3 min 57 sec

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You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
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*Please contact me if you would like to use this in a commercial project. We can discuss the details.