so chill that I felt like I was daydreaming under the rain
I enjoyed learning Filter and Resonance, cannot do some automation yet...heehee.
Anyways, I dedicated this song to the following.
DJHoneyB - A good friend of mine. I thought of him (no homo intended XD) about his recent failed situation which was pretty big for him. This song is also my message to him that he is never alone in that kind of situation.
Lockyn - One of the most approachable and one of the big artists here in NG. Remembering his song in Soulwind made me feel like I want to take few elements (Filters and some mellow tune to be specific) and put it right here. In general, I was inspired by him.
Cubix - Made especially for him. He likes to make sad levels in Geometry Dash a lot. Enjoy bruh!
GD G/L E and GDPH - The communities I serve for a long time, and they even dedicated small support which was big enough for me. Thank you guys!
Just a small message to you all, if you feel down, you can always think bright things under the rain.
(Forgive me if it was a bit repetitive. It's the best I can do so far.)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.