I love the oom-pah sort of vibe this has. Awesome melodies, progression, etc. as always. I suppose this is a little more minimalistic than a lot of your other work, and also lacks the structural intrigue of most of your recent stuff IMO, but I still applaud you for uploading content that you don't feel is your best work (which I have to work on myself, so it provides motivation). The rhythms and instruments are cool, though. This piece has a nice flow to it, and I liked the little flourishes you added at several different points (such as :49) to add phrasing and character. The mixing is great, as always. This is one of those tracks that I like more the more I listen to it. I think I'll download it. I download a TON of your tracks though...yeah, wait, I'll still download it. Keep up the good work, Johnfn! :D