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Deparct - Full Album

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Because I can now, I've decided to upload the entire album to Newgrounds. If you like this, please consider buying the album on my Bandcamp page. Doing so nets you each individual track in highest quality, as well as four bonus tracks not heard here.


What we have here are 74 minutes of (mostly) ambient soundscapes which were all born using various sounds from my world.

The majority of the instruments you will hear throughout this voyage were based on my own voice. Likewise, the majority of the background ambiance is also based off of my field recordings.

Each track is named after a raw feeling. The words themselves are altered and concatenated to try and (probably fail to) define those feelings. Ultimately, it hardly matters what it's called.

Special thanks to Philhellenes, for use of his voice in one of the tracks.

I would also like to thank the Nifflas Support Forum. You are free to use any of these tracks in your Knytt Stories levels.

Track List:

1 - Cheroble - 0:00
2 - Ferenes - 4:20
3 - Anomo - 8:54
4 - Flauter - 13:06
5 - Waidor - 17:49
6 - Rivose - 21:49
7 - Laflouve - 26:25
8 - Selonar - 28:05
9 - Reztus - 33:07
10 - Enturme - 36:58
11 - Ociose - 38:58
12 - Catherne - 41:22
13 - Perisso - 46:07
14 - Canomo - 50:18
15 - Mantion - 53:14
16 - Batinen - 56:22
17 - Dramene - 62:28

(Note: If you wish to leave a review, listen to the entire album first. Any smaller thoughts should be relegated to the version of this album displayed on my YouTube channel.)

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Reading your reply to the last comment made me laugh, it also made me think i should write in detail about what i thought for the album, rather than keeping it short.

Forewarning though, I believe each track is individual and should be addressed as such. I imagine the broad-stroke mentions of "interesting" or "sounds ambient" are not what you wanna hear, and this is 74 minutes of music I'll be expressing my thoughts on, so yeah, might run a bit long.

As a feeble human, my mind thinks about physical imagery and a story while listening to this, this might just be a result of me being a writer that I think of narratives while listening to a lot of ambient music. the name of the album "deparct" isn’t a real word from what i could find, but makes me the of "de-parkt" as in the undoing of a park. combined with the album cover of a blue sky and tree, I imagine a crash landing on a strange planet while listening to a lot of this track.

1: I really disliked this track for the first minute, then it delved more into the usual ambiance I like from you. The first minute sounds like a literal sound scape, the second minute starts to sound other-worldly, which is what I personally enjoy listening to your music for.

While this is a just a personal preference/criticism, i think the song would benefit from less easy to identify with the “normal world” background sounds for the first minute and go more quickly into your own personal style of music.

A crash landing on a unknown planet has happened and all seems normal at first, until the unfamiliarity of the world and the loss of civilization starts to take its toll.

2: In a few words "an otherworldly, eerie, and unfamiliar wilderness"
while I haven’t listened to every single one of your tracks, this one sounds the most like "traditional" music. it has a bit of a bass/drum sounding instrument, a chorus, with the song evolving while staying true to the overall theme. your usual minimalism still remains intact and the overall mysterious/dangerous feel to this song makes me absolutely love it

I imagine the idea of fearful awareness of being stuck with a desire to escape or think of rescue from this unknown planet, the uncertainty of survival, the uncertainty of being able to return to their civilization the group knew before crashlanding here.

3: i thought of thermosa a lot with this track. I like the slower and calmer songs the most, and this track really did it for me. I like the calm, serene sound it starts with and sets the mood to at the very start, while at the end still remaining true to that same feeling; the progression is just grand.

I think of the group whom crash landed here starting to accept the circumstances and beauty of the strange and unfamiliar world. Despite being away from the advances of their civilization, they find themselves growing strangely accustomed to their new way of life.

4: ah well... an unyielding joy is all that comes to mind, a certain calmness at the end. at the risk of sounding uncouth, sexual joy with a partner? it seems rather heavenly and out of this world levels of joyful until the last part, where it ends and seems calmer than the rest of the experience.

5: a true coming to terms with the situation, all is well, all is positive, there will be no escape, and perhaps there is no longer a desire to escape? the intermittent sound in the background that "flares up" and turns off from time to time, is uncomfortably loud near the end; perhaps that was the point? The sounds starting at 2:10 really are a welcome addition for the short period they stay.

6: a certain sadness, or perhaps the joy of the last two songs simply make this one feel 'down to earth' by comparison? certainly another "traditional" sounding song. the subtle sound of waterflow near the end made me think of a river, the need for water to survive.

7: more water, or wind? the tempo increase is unusual for a lot of your songs, there was a sense of urgency or perhaps madness at the end. I think the more extreme nature of the song is complemented by the short length.

8: just as the “crackling ice fairy” sounds from the start of the song were starting to compromise the rest of the song, it went away. as i said before, the starting sound reminds me of an "obnoxious snowing" or cracking-ice-fairy like.

Often in music it's easy to get an idea of what to expect in a song at the very beginning. This song completely surprised me with how it turned out after the first minute, the odd beginning sound made a bit of a return at 5 minutes or so, I was hoping it would stay a bit longer.

I think... the person(s) have started to settle into their first snow. There's a certain beauty to it for them, the weather doesn’t pose a major threat and said snow seems harmless, at least so far.

9: Out newfound area is been overwhelmed with ice and snow, a cold, dead world remains in it's place.

lower energy, an unoppressive atmosphere that's very neutral. no longer huge strokes of high-joy or uneasy feelings. i think of a "calm danger" as i listen to the song. This song wouldnt be out of place in a video game of some kind of ice-world.

10: This song was a bit too quiet for me to hear without turning up my sound a lot. A very minimalist track, I'm not sure what to say about it critique wise...

I imagine our group finds some other people, the vague familiarity of what faintly sounds like people speaking while being very quiet gives me the impression of life forms our group is sneakily listening to.

11: I felt this song was simplistic, the progression was short, but so was the song. If it went on longer, I'd say there was a problem, but as it is, I think this song well constructed even if I didn't enjoy it that much.

More vast, cold, lifelessness comes to mind, this time more subdued.

12: While a lot of your music could be described as invoking contemplation, the calm pace of this song really made me think about thinking – hah.

My only concern is certain parts sound a little too loud, I often like to listen to the songs on a higher volume to really hear the background details, but sometimes I have to turn down the volume as the loudest sound can be a bit overwhelming at times. I think this is an example of that.

I like the calmer transition that sets in at around 3:20 into the track, I was hoping to hear more of it.

I think the group are getting a bit of cabin fever, wondering if they would be happier elsewhere; and realizing they have no choice to go else where.

13: Once again, a very quiet 2 minutes, then it gets a bit loud again. It's hard to appreciate the first two minutes without turning the sound up, but the next 2 minutes are pretty loud. I'm think a bit of loudness balancing (or whatever it's called) in songs that have very quiet parts and transition into louder ones would be great. I understand some songs are simply going to be quiet and others loud, but quiet to loud should be handled in a special manner, I think.

I imagine the end of the cold season starting. It's gone from freezing to just cold. The people are happy to get out a bit more and be a little warmer.

14: It seems to invoke an odd curiosity and happiness. Perhaps the jumpy/bouncy feel of the coming and going really lead me to think of playfulness. While focusing on this part of the song, I gradually noticed the rest of the sounds progressing into the watery/rainy ambiance I enjoyed the bouncy sound's persistence from 1:55 to the end of the song; the entirety of the song is great and this is certainly one of my favorites.

The thaw of the cold season for our crash-landed group. Water is running with snow and ice still on the ground, it's easy to get a fresh, cold drink of water from inbetween the ice floes.

15: Utterly surprised by the percussion at 0:45. like, really surprised; it's just so unusual to hear anything resembling percussion in these tracks. I immensely enjoyed the 2:05 change, the familiar sounds and rhythms going on, but so different. Like it's underwater or calming down. As I've criticized before, the volume difference from say 0:30 to 1:45 is very drastic.

Spring is springing for our person(s) with a surprising amount of joy. The land is more green than white and it's only a little bit cold.

16: I personally have nothing bad to say about this song. I can only say I enjoy the lack of tension throughout the entire song; and the normal, nature-ish earth sounds making a return seems to signal a return to the season when the people first got crash landed here.

A camp fire being lit to get rid of some of the cold, followed by our person(s) falling asleep. In two words, “routine peacefulness.”

17: I can only think of one thing to say about this song, it sounds as though it's two songs. The last 4-5 minutes are very minimal, and while I rarely say this, perhaps a bit too minimal for my liking.

I really enjoyed this album as a whole, almost as much as I enjoyed Thermosa. I bought the high quality downloads bandcamp and look forward to listening to the extra tracks as well. I hope to see more albums I can enjoy, as your music really helps my creativity flow more than anything else I've listened to.

Fubaka responds:

I like the little narrative you have going on, and it reminds me of how different the interpretations of others can be from your own. I'll try my best to address the points you being up, as well as offering a little more insight into the choices I made with this album. I won't spoil too much, however, as my take on the narrative may end up undermining yours if I told it to you.

I'll follow the same song numbering you did.

1) It has been my experience throughout pretty much every piece of music I've listened to that the first track of an album is not necessarily the best. It is merely the one that sets the mood and makes way for the more hard-hitting pieces in the album. I can think of a few notable exceptions, but they suffer from one of two issues. Either the intro outshines the rest of the album, making it unsatisfying, or the album in question is so legendary that I as a mere mortal will never be able to compete with it. (I do make homage to a specific such work in the last song, but I'll talk a little more about that when we get there.)

2) When I play this song to people, the opinion is always polarized. Either they just don't get into it, and find the song irritating, or they really like it, especially for its progression. You seem to fall into the latter camp, and so do I. I've always said that you have to be a fan of your own music in order for the exercise to be genuine.

3) This was one of the more deliberate pieces in the album, if that makes sense. I myself am fairly fond of the way I handled the melody here, and elements of this song are repeated later down the track-list.

4) In terms of pure ambiance, this is my favorite track on the album. I find this is an excellent one to meditate on.

5) This is the point where the more experimental nature of this album kicks in. Perhaps it is my fault for not being more in-tune with what the young parsons listen to these days, but I've often received complaints about the loudness. However, it's never bugged me, and as such, I would not know how to 'fix' it without castrating the song.

6) To understand what inspired the vibe of this song, one needs look no further than Steve Roach's 'Quiet Music' series.

7) This was one of those short songs that I wasn't so sure of at first. It's kind of an amalgamation of 3 or more song ideas into one, which is why the melody is so bizarre. However, the more I listen to it, the more I enjoy it.

8) I might have made the ending to this track a bit longer, but up until the last two, I was trying to hold to a more-or-less strict guideline, in that each song had to be roughly 5 minutes in length or less. This was done to get more ideas into the fray, and serve as contrast to my previous album, 'Our Legacy'.

9) I will remember the melody of this song from now to the day I die.

10) Huh? What are you talking about? There's no sound here! :P

11) Some would call this song filler material, and they would be right to an extent. Its real purpose is to allow a subtle build-up to the next couple songs. I am not one to yank you out of silence. (Fun fact: This song and Rivose were once the same length.)

12) Again, I would advise young Binnicans not to listen to these tracks with the volume up too much, unless you already know what you're getting into. This song itself was an interesting experience, and, believe it or not, it used to be louder.

13) For me, this song was more of an experiment than most others. It is also an expression of my frustration as I attempt to break into the types of songs I truly wish to create in the future. I will get there at my own time and pace, however.

14) The instrument I used for this song was a happy accident. Needless to say, I really liked how it turned out. If you notice the difference between this song and its original version which I posted separately, this one allows the ending to flesh out quite a bit more. Gives that instrument more time to shine.

15) Actually, now that I think about it, the loudness issues you've brought up remind me of the same kinds of critique lobbed at Aphex Twin's 'Selected Ambient Works 85-92'. Not surprising, considering this song was heavily inspired by that album.

16) I've probably listened to this song more than any other on the album, which is ironic, considering it was the last piece I finished for it before it was done. The song serves as an accurate portrayal of the ambiance surrounding the area where I got the particular recordings for it. There were many frogs there.

17) If you notice, the song opens with the same soundscape as the first. In my mind, it most accurately represents the album cover. It's definitely an odd duck, however, considering that it is so much longer than the other tracks. Despite that, it still doesn't seem long enough to me. (which explains one of the bonus tracks) The ending ambiance was a direct result of two things. The first was an extensive thunder storm that I was witness to a few months back. The end recording was taken directly from that storm, while I sat it out for hours. The second thing, as I alluded to earlier, is that the last section is a reference to my favorite work of all time. It's extremely personal, so I figure that only I would truly appreciate it.

All in all, I would say this was a successful musical outing. That you compared it to Thermosa is apt, considering the two are similar in many ways. However, I hope that in time, you will come to appreciate the composition of this album, which, in my mind, is superior to Thermosa's in every way.

Needless to say, I have more in the works. My most recent uploads to the audio portal are a harbinger for my next major musical project, but we'll see where it goes from there. I suspect that album won't be finished until I have time again to do so, which will be in December most likely.

Thank you for your extended thoughts. I hope to continue hearing from you in the future.

Very interesting!

Fubaka responds:

I suppose that's one way to put it.

Given 74 minutes, I was hoping you'd have more to say. :P

Credits & Info

4.33 / 5.00

Jul 25, 2015
2:36 PM EDT
File Info
84.8 MB
74 min 8 sec

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You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

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