This song is amazing from start to finish. It evoked feelings of sorrow, humility, and realization of an overwhelming destiny. However, with these emotions came strength, confidence, and certain solace that only comes with taking up a torch and refusing to give up.
While there was no significant crescendo or rise in energy, I believe this plays toward the strength of the song, rather than against it. At first, I was let down by the lack of intensity, but I soon realized this song is not about a "final push," or moment of triumph. Instead, the subtle back and forth of low and medium intensity phrases evokes a certain confidence, mixed with patience. Visually, the song gives me images of climbing a mountain amidst cold, harsh winter storms. The act of climbing that mountain is not achieved in one leap, but with many small, firm steps.
This song is, without a doubt, fantastic!
I am curious about a few things:
What did your processes for writing and recording look like?
Are the instruments (including voices) recorded live or were they just beautiful sounding samples?
If they were samples, where did you find them? (you made those samples sound great!)
Keep up the awesome work!