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Author Comments

I wanted to go back to my Electronic ways and create a song using sidechain. I like this song, but I definitely should have worked on a catchier intro.

Please leave a review that explains what you do or don't like about the song, especially if you vote under 3/5. All constructive criticism is appreciated! Please listen to the whole song before reviewing so that your review is on the whole song and not just one part. Last of all, please enjoy!


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I like the intro man, really like it!
Nice touch with the percussion coming in later, the complain that i have is that maybe you could have changed the song a bit instead of only adding instruments before the 2:30 mark, it can get a bit too much of the same. In the end i would have liked a build up to 3:22 instead of just that "scream".
Overall its a really nice song with nice ideas and a good execution!
Awesome job carl565!! :D

carl565 responds:

Thank you sir!

Yes, I have been known to just introduce instruments rather than change things up. It's just something I have always done, and changing how I progress my songs would be rather difficult. I'm always looking for the easiest route, haha.
At 3:22, I have been trying to work on build ups, but I really am not too good at it. There's something about breaking up the song that gives me writer's block and I have no idea what to add or do to make it sound good. I still think the "scream" was a good idea, and to me it wasn't really expected by the listener, so it serves its purpose and sounds good doing so.

Thanks again for your review! I love getting reviews these days because it seems like they are so rare now. I remember the golden days of Newgrounds about 5 years ago when there'd be about 5-10 reviews on every single one of my songs. Newgrounds is dying in my eyes, but that's a story for another day, or the forums I suppose, haha.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Feb 15, 2015
1:19 AM EST
File Info
9.5 MB
4 min 10 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.