Hmmm, such an interesting piece.
At the beginning i'm getting a cold flurry of winds, like in a whipping snow storm, roughly smashing walls of cold wind at a poor person knee deep in snow.
Those choirs were... really interesting to the image. They were actually an excellent way to usher in that string melody, filled with such a bittersweet sensation, then back to the cold wind movements, except in greater number, and much faster, a lot crueler then before.
Then the flutes comes in, and things settle. A great calm sensation, looking forward and all that... but then this was the eye.
Before the full fury of the storm! Hailing now! The man runs to his home, so close, the hail and winds both very aggressive in nature.
He runs in, and safe from the winds, the song ends...
what an image!
In any case, lets get to some suggestions.
When I think wind, I always imagine a flute or some kind of woodwind, and indeed you had that before the storms worst struck home, but perhaps more involvement of the flute? Perhaps even an oboe?
Now I know this next suggestion may alter the core of the song, but have you considered a booming brass to accompany the ending? I wonder what the song would sound like if it had it, though i'm also equally sure having that would turn it into a kind of war feeling, and alter the image too much.
Thats all I can think of for now DrZ. Good stuff indeed. I drop my 5 bomb for you.