A very nice 8-bit song.
I really love the intro. It has some great things that make it stand apart from the usual intro IMO.
I like how in the intro the notes echo a bit. It gives a retro feeling. It's also good that you stopped with the not-so-clear echo after a while, because if it would continue more I think it would get irritating.
Another thing I like are the four-beat transitions. It fits perfectly, and I think it's pretty original. I like good transitions, so I am happy with them.
The high and pitched sounds work well with this song. The difference between the lower and the higher sounds work well as a build up. And it also gives the song a bit of happiness.
Basically the only thing I don't like the beat that starts at 0:29. It's nice that you tried to give the song a bit more power, but I don't think the song needs it. It is a bit too dark for the rest of the song, which makes it grab more of my attention than I want it to have.
I also have mixed feelings about that it frequency changes often. I guess it fits with an 8-bit song, but I enjoy a bit more structure in a song.
These things probably come off nitpicky, so I want you to know that this song is still really nice. It deserves four stars, even though some parts are not entirely to my personal taste.
Review request club