Well this is quite a wacky piece of work I think and it is quite excellent to listen to as well. The tune just seems to be pretty wacked out though as it sounds quirky yet amazing at the same time too. The tune kind of makes me think of a strange dimension you entered in a game as you look for a way out kind of like Moonside but you have to beat the negative version of your party first.
The synth sounds pretty nice and chilled out on this one and I like how heavy it feels at the same time as well. Gives that strange feeling that above all else this is not going to be an all that easy battle to win either. The bass line sounds pretty smooth and very nice on the ears I think as it plays on. The light orchestra like sounds I hear give a feel that there is a calm in the battle before things go any further as well.
The drums sound pretty cool and very heavy hitting as the beat goes on. Very cool song though and I like it a lot too.
Overall, very awesome song.
Review Request Club