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Power of DnB(final version)


Author Comments

greetings gentlemen, i am here to anounce the final version of Power of Dnb, if you by any chance disaprove of this version there are 3 other that you might like, i personally liked this one the most.
reviews are apreciated.

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Review Request Club

Nice intro, the fact you've already got a break by 0:07 is a pretty cool sign, and leads into the main first section well. You've got a goot bass and drum beat established, and then you start speeding it up to a crazy pace and I was almost worried that it was going to stay that frantic throughout until the main theme came out. Nice to see this is still in it, because I keep remembering the melody from the previous version's you've done. The drums again have picked up a really interesting beat which compliments the lead synth well.

I can't quite remember the structure of the previous two versions, but the transitions here really pop out; you go straight from the main theme to a slightly more muted buildup at 1:01, before going back into the main theme. That kind of thing works perfectly, because those little breaks give you some variety between the repetitions of the theme, but are long enough in themselves to not seem rushed, even though the pace of this is still very high.

By 2:00 I have no real complaints; love the contrasting section again with the strings and guitar; the drums are still present, but quite in the background, keeping the pace but by no means being a point of focus. That also allows you to smoothly bring it back out of the texture as the main synth comes back in, giving it the heavy characteristic again.

The new section at 3:00 is possibly my favourite part, because it still has the hints of the chords from before, but the feel is totally different, so the variety is definitely a massive plus throughout, no more so than in that last minute and gives you yet another thing to mix with the main melodies. Loved the reversed sound at the end, love even more so that you didn't have the robotic voice that we heard in the previous versions; this track shows you the power of DnB without that voice needing to tell you that, and so it's good that you took it out. I think I'd have to agree with you in saying this is the best version out of the three. Kudos for sticking with it and getting it to this level.

-Review Request Club

jpgregorio responds:

wow thanks, paying attention to peoples' reviews sure pays of. lol.
i think i made the right choice with that effect at the end. xD

Great Job

-Nice well paced intro that had enough pump in the bass. The speed increase after the first thirty seconds I didn't feel was needed. It was a great way to add variety to it but you could of added an instrument for that part instead of just speeding up the pace. You did however bring it back to the nice even pace that worked so well at the beginning. You were able to work in many synths and pads that worked really well as a replacement for the bass towards the middle build-up.

-That instrument that makes the tinging noise that you implemented later on in the song. That's something that would of been better implemented earlier in the song. It works so much better and mixing things together into a blender than the sped up part you did in the beginning.

-The drop off of everything except for the drums at 3:45 for just a couple of seconds was a great way to signify that the song was coming to a close and opened up the door for a nice ending. You brought everything to a higher level to close it out. The broken glass bottle effect at the very end was a great touch too. It's one of those unique things that you can use to create a signature. It has an interesting sound and you don't see things like that unless it's in some random rap music. I'd like to see that sort of effect in other submissions.

-It's not often that you see someone do that many reworkings of the same song. Three predecessors to this one means that several times you made something and weren't happy with it so you strived to improve it and make it better. I'm not going to agree with everything you came up with in the final version but it is by far the best overall.

-Review Request Club

jpgregorio responds:

thanks, i did that many versions because i felt that there was something missing,
now im happy with it :D
by "broken glass bottle effect" you are probably referring to the reverse delay effect on the bottle, right? nonetheless i'm glad you liked it. thx again. bye.

Credits & Info


Waiting for 3 more votes

May 5, 2010
7:42 PM EDT
Drum N Bass
File Info
5 MB
4 min 22 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.