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128 KBPS (4:13) Light trance melody. Common instrumentation. Formerly named "Cut".

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Ocean pleasure


I went to the lake behind my house and listend to this on my CD player after midnight, and it felt AWESOME (Yes, i made a Syntesa album, labld, "Observer")

synteza responds:

I love chilling out to music in beautiful settings.

I'm all out of stuff to say...

In the beginning, I told myself I wouldn't download this one either, but I'm gonna do it anyways, just because of the melody again. Why are your melodies so awesome...awesome enough to completely reconsider someone's decision?...I want that power one day...but no, I'd have to say it would be because of the clap thing you have in the background...reminds me of Motor Species from Ridge Racer 4...but yeah, that, and the melody is what got me...the one part that made me download and fav this is at 3:25-3:46...just epic for drifting, or racing in general...

synteza responds:

k it's time for a review answering spree. yeah she's a solid clap, ain't she? it's from the reason base repository which i find myself using quite a bit, as it's quite an exquisite compendium of sound. i've been criticized for using certain more recognizable sounds from it before.

thanks for the kind words and, mind you, you do have that power, i've listened to your music and it's really good! it's got soul and originality, and doesn't feel like it's infested with rules and bad habits, both so common and destructive in music.


Awesome. :3

This is such a great background song. Well, i'm sitting here playing Ragnarok, and I'm listening through all of your songs, and I arrive to this one...Just a great background song for Ragnarok. x3 It's amazing music to listen to while playing a game like Ragnarok...it just make's everything more fun. <3


synteza responds:

Hahaha, Ragnarok is a really funny word. I'm glad my song has enhanced your gaming experience.



Why rename it?

And what happened to your other stuff? I was trying to find it but it was all just gone. WTF! Well anyway that's nice that you've came back.

synteza responds:

Haha sorry dude, I kinda disappeared without warning. Thanks for the score ;)


Credits & Info

4.67 / 5.00

Aug 21, 2005
11:38 PM EDT
File Info
3.9 MB
4 min 14 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.