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D 'n B WIP [PP]

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[UPDATE:] Put some more work into the track, longer now, better, fuller, anyway, i think im done with this one, im still not happy with it, but i feel like doing other stuff so this is probably it.

Well it's been a long time, here's something I've been working on lately, im still alive and making music, just not as much as i used to, shit goin on, me being lazy, playing videogames and shit, school and shit, stuff and shit, shit and shit.

Anyway I've been really into drum and bass lately, aspecially darkstep, ever since I've heard Current value's Dark rain (You got to listen to that, YOU GOT TO, IT'S AN ORDER), also Black sun empire is just amazing.

Ok onto the track at hand, well it's my first time making a D'nB track so i just kinnda went with it, you know having zero experience, and basically no real idea what im doin.
So PLEASE tell me what i did wrong, right, what needs fixing all of that, so I'll get better at this, fix this track, and maybe make more D'nB in the future.

Im working on trance for my next track, just to let you know, i don't know when I'll finish it though cuz im pretty lazy as far as music making goes lately. Well ok im lazy in general, I admit.

OK, so you know the drill, vote, rate, review, tell me how to improve this, and if you have an idea, then suggest a name for this track, cuz i got nothing here.

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Better late than never!

Hey man, long time since I've brought you a review so here it is!

Got to say you do good in this style the DNB side, never knew you where into this.
Oh and yeah I followed up your order, I have listnened to Black sun empire. Got to say yeah that's prety sweet. ;) Anyways let's cut to the chase and review haha.

Great effects in the intro, to spice things up alittle and letting you to get into the dnb feeling. Mashing those beats together was really nice.

Build up to main piece:
Prety simple you kept it with a snare and kick and later on a hi-hat. Loving that bass thing that came in at: 1:08.

Main piece:
More instruments = more fun! :D it's great you sometimes play with the snare in the beat and specially the hi-hats. Still the same beat over and over again though, perhaps some changes would do great?

SWEET!!! It's almost like all the beat where drowned, and that pad over it is really sick! The comeback to the main part again was really good! big props for that. It was an really unique feeling. Lol I am getting down to this beat now I gues.

Speeding things up alittle and letting things fade out was a really cool thing to do, it actually invited me to start over and listnen this piece again. Well thought out track mate. You deserve some props for it. ;)

My personal preference:
Make things more variating, specially in the beat! You did great with diffrent effects and stuff that was neat. And aswell perhaps use diffrent instruments, and let things mix into together. I can't really say something to improve on since I am not an big listner of DNB altough I can say what I would like to be changed, and that's my biggest problem described above: (variation). I guess that's the most difficult part in creating a track/song in all kinds of genres.

Well anyways, good luck on further producing. We'll speak again someday. ;)
Take care mate.


PeckaPrime responds:

Wow man, this has to be the best review i've had in a while :D,
Long, in detail, polite not to offend my ego XD,

yeah man thanks for the vote and review, this song sure needs this, it's so barren and empty here :D, barely anyone checked this piece out, and alot of those that did just voted zero.

Well i'll still probably make D'nB in the future, im really into it lately. And i agree with the lack of variation man, like i said im still not happy with this one, I don't really even like the beat that much, it needs some more punch, another kick or something, i've been playing with that alot, but it didn't come out so good.

I need more experience i guess, learn new stuff, but you know, i'll move on for now. Just don't know when, cuz im lazy ;)

anyway, thanks, i appreciate it man.
Have fun, and I'll definetely see ya :D

Credits & Info


Waiting for 4 more votes

Jul 24, 2009
3:32 PM EDT
Drum N Bass
File Info
4.6 MB
3 min 20 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.