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What's in a word?

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Beat from Lupe Fiasco's "Dumb it Down"

Love, hate, vote, blah blah blah you know the drill...

What's in a word? Do you say shit with meaning or is it just absurd? Do you just spit slang or shit that you learn? Or maybe a combination of both? Are your words inspirational like at a wedding toast? Or are you obsessed with being funny like at the friar's roast? Do you say meaningful things just to strangers or to those that are close? You know the ones that probably need it the most? Do your words calm people down or do they make 'em blow? Do you like to spit it fast or take a moment and think spit it slow? Are you just concerned with makin' that dough or are you thinking about the affects on your soul?

What's in a soul? Do you act like a monster maybe a troll? Or do you try to make it better pay it forward? Do you aspire to being a doctor or a lawyer? Or are you satisfied slanging crack to the kids on the corner? Do you reach out a helping hand maybe to a lonely babies mother? Or do you keep that shit to yourself are you the latter or the former? When you're gone will there be rejoicing or will there be real mourners? Will they say at the eulogy that was a true sister or a brother, mother, father or a daughter? When you're about to pass you ever think what's gonna be your last line? Has that thought ever penetrated your mind?

What's in a mind? Do you have the power to dream about flight like the brothers Wright? Beautiful works of art on display well beyond your time? Maybe you think about the best way you can stay on your grind? Avoiding them red and blue lights every night? Or maybe you dream up ways to light up the night? Missiles and rockets little babies huddled in fright? You got the cure for AIDs or cancer in your sights? Or simply come up with schemes and pranks screaming in delight at the sight of your plans causing so much misfortune? is it easy for you to envision? Bringing pain to others cause you see yourself above all of us humans? Are you doomin, us to an existence that we are destined to be losing? Taking away our right to be choosin what's wrong and whats right, n***a this is my life.

What's in a life? Like when you open your eyes after a restful night, and you look outside and the world is vibrant and bright. Or lookin at child taking their first steps what a sight. Holding that loved one in your arms you could be together forever right? Rollin with your crew down the block y'all tight, memories and experiences you take for granted, not everyone got the same cards some of us were handed. Helicopters landing, .50 cals blasting, genocide, the effects ever lasting, hunger and disease, n***a y'all can't imagine. Rebel factions, peace accords, UN sanctions, Somali pirates, oil tankers, coleman or franken? Red or blue? It doesn't matter. We need change, the truth is blurred, how does it start? It starts with a word. What's in a word?

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Interesting Concept

The questions are insightful and have relevance; it's an interesting idea to go with the "Dumb it Down" beat. As mentioned before you gotta work on that flow, but its getting better. Maybe focus on your tone of voice, you're supposed to be asking questions, but it sounds like you just reading a script for some lines.

I gotta give you respect for the words you're dropping, they have meaning. Many people say it doesn't matter what you say, it's how you say it. I say fuck that! Put meaning in your lines, then the emotion will find your voice. Keep it up man! Peace

Needs more work

Your lyrics wern't bad, but every bar doesn't need to be a question, instead it should be more of a statement such as how Lupe did in "Dumb It Down." Also you need to have a steady flow because it was hard to keep up when the flow of your lyrics don't follow the same pattern. Work on that and it'll improve.

~D3V1L B00M

BAF responds:

I agree my flow needs work however maybe I made most of the lines a question because that's how I wanted it, If you want to hear lupe fiasco then listen to him, just because I used his beat doesn't mean I'm trying to do the same song. Thanks for the review.

i agree wit da homi BN

should put some mo passion n ur voice and make dem feel wut u sayinbut since song tho

4.57 / 5.00 (+ 0.19)

I dno if the flow u going for is for this beat, you need to put emotion and pronounce your voice more


nice lyrics.

Credits & Info



3.70 / 5.00

Jul 3, 2009
3:10 PM EDT
File Info
3.1 MB
3 min 27 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.