I've got a new E.P. out on all internet music streaming things. 5 dumb songs in just over 7 dumb minutes. It's nuts.
Italian beauty and I was the beast
As we entered the Bulls Head for the feast
I'd forgotten your name and it put me to shame
So I turned to Wakko and gave you this name
Sequoia Rebiolla
You're as sweet as cola
You're quiet as a mouse
And you dare to arouse
Sequoia Rebiolla
I love your aroma
You're sugar and spice
You're all things nice
Won't you take me with you to Italy
Will you have me over to your place for tea
Can I have a taste of your cannoli
Or any other such Sicilian pastry
Sequoia Rebiolla
Sam Five you called over
To deliver our drinks
She did and she stinks
They came fifty minutes later
And I think I hate her
Sequoia Rebiolla
You couldn't have known ya
You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.