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Eternal Train

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Author Comments

This is a simple song that came together perfectly in a short amount of time. I used FL keys, Orion dance sample, mini DiZi (free VST off KVR Audio, probably one of my favourite VSTi's), a breakbeat sample (courtesy of navij11) and an FPC crash sample.
Imagine riding on a train going nowhere in particular, with picturesque landscapes flashing past you in an instant. This song is happy/uplifting, it's a soft techno-ish song, using a soft dull breakbeat to represent the train's movement. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I had making it. Please don't forget to rate and review it, I'd love to know what you thought of it, any things I need to improve, things you liked about it, I appreciate all the comments I recieve.


[Edit]: I've been playing around with the idea of adding vocals to this, so if anyone thinks this sounds like a good idea, please tell me, if you think it's a bad idea, then also, please tell me, I don't want to go through with it and it turn out sounding shit.
On that note, I've got some lyrics down, it's pretty simple stuff, kind of like a chant type thing, everything is on the main beat, and flows with the chord progression. If anyone wants to look at the lyrics to have a crack at it, please feel free to PM me, and I'll send it to you, and if you record the vocals on a separate layer and send it to me, then I'll mess with it a bit, add effects, and put it up here, with credit however you want, name mention, link to your site, I'd be so greatful if a singer were to give this a shot, male or female, I think it'll sound good either way. Cheers.

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Very nice

So this was a good sound quality I have to say it has now over three thousand listens that's pretty good wow an amazing tune indeed very nice work here I enjoyed the dance type theme here and has a good fast paced feel to it so nice job on this and good quality no changes needed this was good quality



Was quite cool, reminded me of a kinda more dancy type song that would've been in a final fantasy game. Didn;t think it was quite techno though.I really liked the end. Was quite a good way to finish a very nice song. Great work

=Review Request Club=

WritersBlock responds:

O.o Final fantasy? Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Cheers for the review.

Nice tune

I notice that you use lots of dissonants try adding them more subtile. It was a great tune with good samples and felt slow even with the fast beat. Very good job, maybe a lil'repititive.

Good job

WritersBlock responds:

dissonance? There's bugger all dissonance here, almost everything here is within the chord sequence, and everything's in the one key signature, no accidentals whatsoever. I'm glad you like it, I suppose that slow feeling comes from all the drawn out notes, and slow chord progression. Thanks for the review.

Very Nice

I really like this tune, it's very nice and sounds very good, the intro is nice and it builds up pretty well too so that's nice to hear. The whole tune is very good though there is a part in the main bit where it just starts to sound a little too crowded with sounds with the drums and everything else but it's very energetic.

It's a decent length too which is nice and it ends pretty well too, builds down then stops which is good to hear, so nice work there. Overall it's a very good sounding track, nice and calm in many parts but a little too much in the middle part for me.



= Review Request Club =

WritersBlock responds:

Thanks for your comments, I'm glad you liked it.

I'd alter the backgorund...

Not the worst tune I've ever heard. Not even close to that.

I'm quite impressed with the melody over the top of the tune, as that's certainly the strongest point of this tune. Where you come unstuck is the backing tune, which sounds out of key in places and it tends to make the edges of the tune seem frayed and ungaimley. Working on this aspect would certainly assist your progress with this tune to no end!

Seeing your edit in your notes, Vocals might work, but you'd have to think long and hard about what you'd get the singer to sing and what key they'd be in.

[Review Request Club]

WritersBlock responds:

Thanks for the review. I think I notice the part that sounds out of key, but I think it's only just out of the chord, and the rest of it's in key though... Thanks for the comments, they're helpful.


Credits & Info


4.17 / 5.00

Feb 21, 2008
7:09 PM EST
File Info
2.3 MB
2 min 30 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.