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Xochiquetzal's Temple - MtF Feral Pig TF

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*Slow footsteps echo with drippy cave-like ambience*

Names Dakota. Dakota Rogers. Doc said it's best to make a journal to help remember everything that happened, so here goes. The best way I could describe my life up until this point… misused. I cheated, stole, lied, and hurt people all to get what I wanted from the world and for what? Crawling through god-knows-where trying to find whatever artifacts that haven't already been looted from this forsaken temple. Spanish conquistadors probably already emptied all these old tombs 600 years ago… *sigh* What am I doing here?

*Footsteps cease*

A stone door. Still shut. Ornately carved. Well well, may have shit on this job a bit early. Let's see…

Glyphs are… pretty worn. I don't wanna dynamite this thing apart but I (said with effort) can't… yeah it's damn heavy. Hmm

Wait a sec. Some of these glyphs… a pattern? Ah, wait, I remember seeing a puzzle from a video game just like this. Just gotta turn the pylons…

Lizard… panther… bird… pig? Can't be a pig... weren't here for a few hundred years after this was carved at the earliest.

*Stone rumble*

Well, the pig thing did the trick. Door's rolling out of the way. Glad that mechanism still works. Very impressive place.


That was really easy… hm, air feels heavier in here... doesn't smell like poison. Getting pretty lucky today.

I started to think of the treasure that might still be down here, started imagining what I'd finally be able to do with some real scratch. Little piece of land, finally settle down. Gah, day-dreaming'll get you killed in places like this. I forced myself to focus on the floor, look for tripwires, that sorta thing. Gazing at my feet so hard I barely noticed the giant statue ahead of me and nearly ran into the thing. I knew that headdress and pose anywhere. This was a temple to Xochiquetzal, Aztec fertility goddess and all-around badass, perfectly preserved like it had just been carved yesterday.

*A huge bird suddenly flew past, squawking all the way down the hallway towards the big door.*

*Surprised, panting* Holy shit! Scared the bejesus out of me. *Nervous laugh* What the hell was that thing doing deep down in a place like this? Oh man, but, nevermind that, look at you! Miss Xochiquetzal herself, in the- well, solid gold. About 8ft tall, not a scratch or a hint of weathering… Just wait until the Professor sees you!

Now that I know this place is a win, I'll head topside and give the old man a call, no reception down here. Just gonna snap a few photos…

*Pictures click on phone*

*Drop phone*

Ow. Shit, my hand, what- oh man my phone! It’s smashed! Of course it fell flat on the screen- What the hell, it felt like something bit my hand?

As I looked down at my hand, what I saw just didn't make any sense. The bones were moving beneath my flesh and my nails were turning dark and growing thick. I watched, in horror, as my fingers fused painfully into thick, stiff digits and the skin turned pink like a sunburn.

What- augh… my hand is… what's happening to… to me?!

I looked down at myself, trying to see if I got hit with some kind of drugged dart or anything and felt a shiver down my spine, turning to look up at the statue’s expressionless face twisting into a wicked grin. I dropped my phone again before I could try to shakily take another picture. It was dead for good this time, the screen black and my body suddenly surged with a tight, painful heat.

Augh! D-damn… I must've tripped some kind of gas… I'm hallucinating… gotta get out of here…

The door at the end of the hallway made a loud series of clicks and an echo rumbled in reply. I felt my legs tensing, the muscles painfully tight and my feet popped loudly as I weakly stumbled a few steps and then fell to my knees. I gasped in pain as I watched the door slowly roll shut, too far to muster any strength to will my body through before it closed. Light filtered in above high, crumbled walls and I felt the heat pulsing through me like a hand painfully prodding and poking me.

Look, if this isn't a hallucination, Xochiquetzal, please let me go… you broke my phone. I can't even pull up the coordinates.... I won't tell anyone about this place-

*Painful crunch*

Gah! Oh fuck, oh fuuuuck, my arm, what is she doing to me?!

My arm had shrunken, now short and chubby and my hand had shrank into a stubby little trotter. I raked my shirt, feeling the heat boiling my skin and tore the buttons off, giving me a moment of respite as the cool air touched my pink sweaty chest and flat stomach. I groaned as I felt the tender flesh, pulsing and throbbing before rows of nipples began to appear all the way down my torso. My confusion turned to horror as the flesh beneath each began to swell. All down my chest and belly, grew pairs of small breasts capped with thumb-sized nipples.

I- what the hell am… I changing into?! My body… it hurts all over… room spinning… everything is getting...bigger…

Auugh… I’m turning pink… hooves… teats… please don’t do this to me… I’m a man… I won’t… *snort* tell anyone…

I was feeling the changes pinching my nose and lips and found it harder to speak as my throat and jaw began to transform like the rest of me. I was turning into a pig… into a… into a sow. I was alone and trapped and the statue grinned sharply as I begged for mercy with what little humanity I had left.

*snort* I… ugh… need… *whine* help… *whine*

I felt heavy as my body grew fat and stubby. My arms and legs could carry me but offer little else and I heard a sickening slurp as my new genitals swallowed my manhood. My ears grew long and flopped over, gently flapping against my cheeks as my snout pushed away from my face and flattened. I was a pig. New instinct flooded my confused mind. I smelled the stale air and searched for an exit. I saw my reflection in the golden statue looming over me and jumped as it startled me.

Areli: Well now, haven’t you become a cute little sow? Want me to let you out? Your body aches to be free... to find a mate. To grow plump with many little piglets and raise a family… I will guide you.

*The door rumbles to life and the new pig scurries out*

Areli: That’s a good girl. Be fruitful and multiply. *low chuckle*

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Credits & Info

3.28 / 5.00

Jan 9, 2022
1:07 PM EST
File Info
3.7 MB
10 min 49 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.

* Contains third-party samples.
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