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The Pervert - Woman into Giant Boobs TF

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Special thanks to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/princesslil/ for voicing Taylor!

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Veronica: Areli

Taylor: Princess lil

(fade in on knocking of heavy wooden door to Veronica's dorm main room)

P: It's open!

*Footsteps enter a cozy dorm-room followed by Taylor's soft sigh and the sound of Veronica dropping her purse onto the table, she knows Veronica is impulsive and has come to show off dumb and expensive purchases before

P: Ok, so what was so important I had to ditch class to come see?

A: I'll get to that. But, before that: yes, they were on sale and yes, I made sure the place was legit.

Taylor doesn't see what Veronica is posing to show off

P: ...what are you talking about?

A: My- wait really? They're poking through the- okay, one sec.

P: What are you doing?!

*Veronica lifts her shirt to show off a pair of freshly pierced nipples adorned with rings inlaid with brilliant green stones.*

P: What... the hell did you do? What are those?

A: I got my nipples pierced! It barely hurt and they had some sale thing going with the jewelry. You like?

P: ...why?

A: Cuz they look awesome! I especially like the green rubies.

P: There's no such thing as green rubies, Veronica.

A: What? Sure there is, the lady at the store-

*Taylor cuts her off*

P: -lied to you. She tricked you with some glass junk. You should take them off before the junk metal stains your skin too. Where did you even get this done at?

A: ...the mall?

P: you got your nipples pierced in a mall?!

A: shhh! You want the whole campus to hear you?

P: ...what am I gonna do with you, girl. Lets hope you didn't get an infection or something. Come on take em off and I can find you some antiseptic.

*Veronica fidgets for a minute*

A: ah....mm, come on...

*from the bathroom nearby, and then entering the room again*

P: found it.... having some trouble?

A: Taylor, I can't... uhf... get them... they're stuck!

P: good lord, woman, they should just screw off or un-pin like this...

*Veronica feels a warm electricity rush through her chest*

A: *gasping moan* ah!

P: what-?

A: That was the weirdest static shock i've ever felt! It made my boobs all tingly...

P: I didn't feel anything, you sure they didn't hit a nerve in your boob or something?

A: No, it's weird, I... kinda feel warm... I need to sit down

*Veronica stumbles and Taylor helps her to the couch*

P: w- whoa! Okay, here you just sit tight I'll get you a cold rag for your forehead.

*running water*

P: here this should help... hey those things look really swollen, are you ok?

A: (ragged soft moans and heavy breathing)

P: uhh, Veronica?

A: I can feel them... growing... warm... tight...

P: what?

A: My boobs, Taylor... they’re getting heavy, feel them!

P: U-um! Ehhh... okay, I don't-... wait, holy moly... y-your tits!

A: Mmm, so full!

P: how is this possible!?

A: It's you... when you touched the piercings I saw a flash in my mind, it felt like it was your fantasy... you wanted me to have these... gigantic... mmm...

P: Youre saying you have magic... telepathic nipple jewelry?

A: ahn~ seems so...

P: Why is the growth not slowing down? They're as big as your head!

A: I don't know, I've never had... *sighing with pleasure* magic growing tits before...

P: Maybe... maybe if I touch them again it'll stop it?

*panting, Veronica accepts*

A: Shit, it's as good an idea as any!

P: Here goes...

*The feeling of electricity strikes again*

A: Ahn~! That was through my whole body that time!

P: Are you okay?

*panting, horny*

A: what... did you fantasize about that time? All I could see was boobs...

P: I tried to think of your body normal again, but your boobs... It's hard to look away

*sounding slightly panicked*

A: I feel warm again, Taylor, what was that fantasy? I couldn't see anything but my boobs...

P: I don't know! I had an idea pop in my head, but it was just for a second!

A: Oh it's coming... I'm tingly all over ahn~!

P: It can't be...

A: *panting as she begins to grow*

P: Veronica, i'm sorry- i'm not weird, it was just a thought!

A: Ohhhh~ fuck, I can feel my whole body swelling... melting... squishy...

*Taylor helplessly looks on as Veronica transforms*

P: oh... oh damn, uh... oh OH! Holy shit! You're... growing the biggest boobs in the world!

A: *panting* i'm glad... you're... enjoying this... it feels like I'm melting *blissful, dreamlike sigh*

P: I- look, this is crazy, but check you out! Your arms and legs are sinking into it, you're not just growing boobs, you're *becoming* boobs!

A:*exhausted and delirious* mmm I *feel* like boobies... i just want you to hold me... touch me... suck and play with me... i'm the biggest tits in the world! Please pinch me... fuck me... ohhh-mm- mmph.... mm- *words are cut off as her muffled voice fades out within her titty meat form*

P: I promise I'll turn you back Veronica... after I make you feel like the most beloved knockers in the world. Jesus, you're soft!

*feels her friends new flesh*

P: You're getting goosebumps from my touch... what if I blow gently... *softly blows* Your huge nipples are so hard... oh shit, Milk? oh my god, this is so hot...

*kissing, suckling and moaning as Taylor plays with her friend*

P: I wonder... if I can make you turn into other stuff with the piercings, I guess I'll have to wait until you turn back.

(Veronica sloshes gently in reply)

P: mmph... I really hope your roommate doesn't get home soon... i can't exactly hide you in a bathroom until this wears off... *if* it wears off...

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4.24 / 5.00

Jan 9, 2022
1:53 PM EST
File Info
6.7 MB
7 min 22 sec

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* Contains third-party samples.
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