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{PBJ}Today is a Good Day{PBJ}

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Author Comments

yet another tune for you all to listen to for your aural pleasure. Took the best part of two hours this track, started it at 1130am and finished for 1330, which is no mean feat i tell thee. Inspiration wise, I ain't working at the moment which means i have a lot of pent up creativeness to release, sometimes good sometimes bad. Hopefully this is one of the better ones.

Atmosphere is the key to this tune as it is to many of my others. I ain't the best musician, i know absolutley nothing when it comes to theory but...I do like to believe i have a good ear for sound and soundscapes, hopefully that has come across in this tune.

The title has meaning relating to literally today (7th dec) I have money that i didn't expect in the bank and i have two offers regarding teaching confirmed so I have that 'Friday feeling' so to speak.

Anyways i hope you enjoy the track. I really want to know what you people think. Afterall you are the audience and your opinions matter......alot.



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you has been busy ain't ya. sorry to hear you're down at the minute but glad it's spawning a lot of creativity.
new string bocks sounds nice. this track is so crisp. builds really well. mood is ace.
timbres are all spot on and well ballanced.
good good ambience and thought provoking progression. good job squier.
got a new one up for ya if you get 5.

pitbulljones responds:

I have indeed pedo, i have indeed. Not working does that to you. Mood is a lot better now, that was a month ago, i mean it's still there but you've gotta turn it into a positive haven't you...

Dem stwings are shweet ain't they. i think the more subtle application in this track helps a lot. And this is the great thing, you get my music, it's not melody driven or even a chordal change tis just sound. Anyways mush you have recieved your review. Believe me every word i say is true.

many thanks


that sucks

Yeah. I just got up and got ready to go to classes and I heard this...I'm feeling tired again. That's the only downfall of this song, which really isn't one at all. lol
yeah. i'm a nerd, like the other half of ng members...

anyways, I love your song. It's very good. 12 hours striaght? Wow. It's some pretty good stuff.

would you care to listen to my newest song, TranceStorm? I'm trying to get some good input on it, so...yeah.

a'ight, here are the scores:
downloaded! yay!

pitbulljones responds:

haha bless you, knocked you back to beddy bo's have i XD Studying is the right way to go my friend, knowledge is power and all that. I'm glad you liked the song. No not 12 hours straight more like 2 hours. Anyways thanks very much for the review. I'll listen to your song.


Very Nice!

5/5 10/10. Very peaceful and it actually does make me smile. That is odd because it is such a gentle song, soft and sweet. I loved your other song as well, "The World Aint Perfect". Keep it up!

pitbulljones responds:

Thank you very much for the review. I agree 'tis very 'calming' isn't it. As mentioned in my comments it's all about atmosphere for me, capture a mood, a vibe and you've cracked it. Glad you like my other works as well, keep coming back as i'm on a roll atm. Again, thanks for the review.


Credits & Info


4.58 / 5.00

Dec 7, 2007
8:49 AM EST
File Info
4.8 MB
4 min 12 sec

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