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Author Comments

Submitted for the Audio Portal's DAC Lullabye Contest

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Eh, it's alright.


This was beautiful! I would so very much like to create a remix for this, but i have no program for it...It makes me wanna sing too!! So for now i'll only Fave, Rate and Download this! If i ever manage to get a good program, I'll link you to it...if that's alright?


Adam-Beilgard responds:

Remixing would be fine, that's what this portal is for! Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked it!


makes me wanna go to sleep 99/5 XD

Adam-Beilgard responds:

Lol, thanks!

Did you mean 9/5 (nine stars/five votes)? Or were you blown away and gave it 99 out of five? 8)


Hey great job! So the contest was for the way it was brought out? Or was it for the originallity? I really did love the poem/lullabye. Good job! I should try to enter contests of some sort on newgrounds... I hope it has a cash prize like this one did. Keep it up!! The only thing I saw that needed work on was your voice. It was really good, but try to work on every little part of your voice if you know what I mean.

Adam-Beilgard responds:

You know, I think originality was mentioned, all I remember was seeing a lullabye contest, lol! Unfortunately I don't know what you mean, but I'm always trying to get better, so I guess it'll fall under that category.

Let me know if you do decide to enter a contest, I'd love to hear your stuff (there's a Monthly Audio Contest on now - check the AP).

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the review!

I like it!

An actual song with lyrics was my initial idea, and I would've done it too if I had a microphone, etc. But I'm glad someone did it :D

I like the lyrics, and the actual music is really quite beautiful. When the strings and oboe(?) come in, that's a nice touch I find, goes well with the singing. The drums were a little over-the-top, didn't really seem to fit the right tone well, but that's my opinion. :)

I think it's quite a pretty song, very lullaby-like, and relaxing. Good job on first place! I enjoyed this.


P.S. Some of these reviews you're getting are kinda stupid haha. Just ignore them, people who are bashing this are probably just jealous or ignorant : D Take care.

Adam-Beilgard responds:

Thank you. The drums were a last minute touch - something I was hearing in my head as I played my progress back. I knew midi wouldn't cut it, and I'd just gotten an electronic drum set so I used this as an excuse to add more! I was going for a field drum sound, which I couldn't quite get out of it, so I went with a modified tom sound.

That was an oboe you heard, thanks to my very talented wife, and I really don't mind negative feedback as long as I can incorporate it. The ones you're probably talking about are those that don't offer any suggestions - I pretty much ignore them.

Glad you liked it, thanks for the review!

Credits & Info


4.52 / 5.00

Oct 31, 2007
11:31 PM EDT
File Info
2.3 MB
2 min 28 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.