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Reviews for "OVERDOSE (0.38)"

Wow, this was a hard game. I had no idea it would just take one blow to kill you. I would have to really train to become good at it. It still has wonderful atmosphere. I mean, there was so much going on! I'm glad to have been part of it.

You have to deflect so many attacks. This is a good title at least. I can see why the score isn't that high. It's still something I would recommend, but you'd have to be more skilled to really beat it. I can still appreciate that. This was a game where you can just be killed out of completely nowhere.


thanks! yea the train level was really hard, its probably going to be one of the middle or later levels in the game, im planning on releasing more levels before it that start out easier and then gradually get more difficult so the learning curve is less steep

there is no full screen, but is a good game

cyberpunk but epic

its very good but i think you should fix the movement


thanks! movement and combat changes are definitely planned, im using this test version to get feedback and make things even better

There's something about the movement... i'm guessings it's supposed to motivate using the dash, but that means dashing everywhere, and whenever i dash into an enemy and bullets are flying to my face i can't possibly dodge. The solution would be to parry but (maybe it's just me) parrying has a 50/50 chance of working.
I don't find guns worth using. They are imprecise and if there are different types like the tutorial showed i can't distinguish them, and therefore count the bullets, which will be important in the middle of gunfire.
I think the flashing lights and the colors, even when they are clearly a style choice, take away the information the player can get. A lot of times an enemy got past me because i didn't see it still alive after the flashing from another enemy and that got me killed. It definetly doesnt help that everything constantly changes colors, it's like you are asking me not to remember anything.
The character is small, i can't even tell what i'm playing as; i guess that's to maximize the range of view, but takes away personaity.

It seems like it has a lot of potential but at the very least it's not my cup of tea.