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Reviews for "Piconjo Sp33ch"

thiz iz h0w j00 $p3ak lik3 m33333 idfk why i $p3ak lik3 thiz. it$ kinda 6ay n6l

3y up j00 l0t, t3h nam3'$ K3ni, I'm an artizt, 6am3r and $T0RYT3LL3R!

$t0ry tim3 with t0mf00l3ry pr3$3nt$, D33’$ Bi6 Nut$. D33 wa$ a $quirr3l wh0 had BI6 nut$! Hiz nut$ack wa$ $0 BI6, that it w0uld dra6 0n t3h 6r0und 3v3rywh3r3 h3 w3nt. D33 had a fri3nd nam3d $arah wh0 <3d nut$, $arah 60 ar0und t0wn tryin6 2put 3v3ry0n3’$ nut$ in h3r m0uth. $arah <3D h0w BI6 D33’$ nut$ w3r3, hiz nut$ w3r3 h3r fav0urit3! T3hy w3r3 t3h bi663$t nut$ $h3 had 3V3R $33n, $h3 w0uld play with hiz nut$ ALL DAY and $0m3tim3$ 3v3n at NI6HT! $0m3tim3$ h3r m0m w0uld j0in, t3hy w0uld tak3 turn$ h0ldin6 D33’$ nut$ at ni6ht! $0m3tim3$ $arah w0uld 3v3n try 2put b0th 0f hiz nut$ in h3r m0uth at 0nc3, $h3 w0uld 6i66l3 h3r fac3 w0uld turn r3d! T3hn hiz nut$ w0uld c0m3 flyin6 0ut, 0n3 day $0m30n3 cam3 up 2D33’$ nut$ and $tart3d p0kin6 t3hm! “H3y j3rk 0ff 0f my nut$!” H3 $aid. Alth0u6h $arah <3d D33’$ nut$ $h3 w0uld $0m3tim3$ kick t3hm, $h3 0nc3 kick3d t3hm $0 hard $h3 bu$t3d a nut. D33 wa$ v3ry $ad that $arah bu$t3d hiz nut, h3 ju$t want3d $arah 2play nic3 with hiz nut$. 0n3 day wh3n hiz nut$ w3r3 f33lin6 b3tt3r, $h3 2k t3hm 2lunch wh3r3 $h3 60t p3anut butt3r all 0v3r t3hm hiz nut$ w3r3 $0 $ticky. Aft3r that day $h3 kn3w $h3 w0uld n33d 2play nic3 b3cau$3 all 600d $quirr3l$ kn0w h0w 2play nic3 with BI6 NUT$. T3h 3nd.

Indu$trial $0ci3ty and It$ Futur3 By T3h0d0r3 J0hn Kaczyn$ki

T3h Indu$trial R3v0luti0n and it$ c0n$3qu3nc3$ hav3 b33n a diza$t3r f0r t3h human rac3. T3hy hav3 6r3atly incr3a$3d t3h lif3-3xp3ctancy 0f th0$3 0f u$ wh0 liv3 in “advanc3d” c0untri3$, but t3hy hav3 d3$tabiliz3d $0ci3ty, hav3 mad3 lif3 unfulfillin6, hav3 $ubj3ct3d human b3in6$ 2indi6niti3$, hav3 l3d 2wid3$pr3ad p$ych0l06ical $uff3rin6 (in t3h Third W0rld 2phy$ical $uff3rin6 a$ w3ll) and hav3 inflict3d $3v3r3 dama63 0n t3h natural w0rld. T3h c0ntinu3d d3v3l0pm3nt 0f t3chn0l06y will w0r$3n t3h $ituati0n. It will c3rtainly $ubj3ct human b3in6$ 26r3at3r indi6niti3$ and inflict 6r3at3r dama63 0n t3h natural w0rld, it will pr0bably l3ad 26r3at3r $0cial dizrupti0n and p$ych0l06ical $uff3rin6, and it may l3ad 2incr3a$3d phy$ical $uff3rin6 3v3n in “advanc3d” c0untri3$

T3h Fitn3$$6ram™ Pac3r T3$t iz a multizta63 a3r0bic capacity t3$t that pr06r3$$iv3ly 63t$ m0r3 difficult a$ it c0ntinu3$. T3h 20 m3t3r pac3r t3$t will b36in in 30 $3c0nd$. Lin3 up at t3h $tart. T3h runnin6 $p33d $tart$ $l0wly, but 63t$ fa$t3r 3ach minut3 aft3r j00 h3ar thiz $i6nal. [b33p] A $in6l3 lap $h0uld b3 c0mpl3t3d 3ach tim3 j00 h3ar thiz $0und. [din6] R3m3mb3r 2run in a $trai6ht lin3, and run a$ l0n6 a$ p0$$ibl3. T3h $3c0nd tim3 j00 fail 2c0mpl3t3 a lap b3f0r3 t3h $0und, j00r t3$t iz 0v3r. T3h t3$t will b36in 0n t3h w0rd $tart. 0n j00r mark, 63t r3ady, $tart.