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Reviews for "Piconjo Sp33ch"

thiz 6am3 iz r3ally c00l and h0n3$tly i r3cc0m3nd it!

If j00'r3 n0t car3ful and j00 n0clip 0ut 0f r3ality in t3h wr0n6 ar3a$, j00'll 3nd up in t3h Backr00m$, wh3r3 it'$ n0thin6 but t3h $tink 0f 0ld m0izt carp3t, t3h madn3$$ 0f m0n0-y3ll0w, t3h 3ndl3$$ back6r0und n0iz3 0f flu0r3$c3nt li6ht$ at maximum hum-buzz, and appr0ximat3ly $ix hundr3d milli0n $quar3 mil3$ 0f rand0mly $36m3nt3d 3mpty r00m$ 2b3 trapp3d in
60d $av3 j00 if j00 h3ar $0m3thin6 wand3rin6 ar0und n3arby, b3cau$3 it $ur3 a$ h3ll haz h3ard j00.

all t3h 0t3hr kid$ with t3hir pump3d up kick$ u b3tt3r run b3tt3r run 0utrun my 6un

T3h Fitn3$$6ramâ„¢ Pac3r T3$t iz a multizta63 a3r0bic capacity t3$t that pr06r3$$iv3ly 63t$ m0r3 difficult a$ it c0ntinu3$. T3h 20 m3t3r pac3r t3$t will b36in in 30 $3c0nd$. Lin3 up at t3h $tart. T3h runnin6 $p33d $tart$ $l0wly, but 63t$ fa$t3r 3ach minut3 aft3r j00 h3ar thiz $i6nal. [b33p] A $in6l3 lap $h0uld b3 c0mpl3t3d 3ach tim3 j00 h3ar thiz $0und. [din6] R3m3mb3r 2run in a $trai6ht lin3, and run a$ l0n6 a$ p0$$ibl3. T3h $3c0nd tim3 j00 fail 2c0mpl3t3 a lap b3f0r3 t3h $0und, j00r t3$t iz 0v3r. T3h t3$t will b36in 0n t3h w0rd $tart. 0n j00r mark, 63t r3ady, $tart.

C0nn3cti0n t3rminat3d. I'm $0rry 2int3rrupt j00, 3lizab3th, if j00 $till 3v3n r3m3mb3r that nam3, But I'm afraid j00'v3 b33n mizinf0rm3d. J00 ar3 n0t h3r3 2r3c3iv3 a 6ift, n0r hav3 j00 b33n call3d h3r3 by t3h individual j00 a$$um3, alth0u6h, j00 hav3 ind33d b33n call3d. J00 hav3 all b33n call3d h3r3, in2a labyrinth 0f $0und$ and $m3ll$, mizdir3cti0n and mizf0rtun3. A labyrinth with n0 3xit, a maz3 with n0 priz3. J00 d0n't 3v3n r3aliz3 that j00 ar3 trapp3d. J00r lu$t f0r bl00d haz driv3n j00 in 3ndl3$$ circl3$, chazin6 t3h cri3$ 0f childr3n in $0m3 un$33n chamb3r, alway$ $33min6 $0 n3ar, y3t $0m3h0w 0ut 0f r3ach, but j00 will n3v3r find t3hm. N0n3 0f j00 will. Thiz iz wh3r3 j00r $t0ry 3nd$. And 2j00, my brav3 v0lunt33r, wh0 $0m3h0w f0und thiz j0b liztin6 n0t int3nd3d f0r j00, alth0u6h t3hr3 wa$ a way 0ut plann3d f0r j00, I hav3 a f33lin6 that'$ n0t what j00 want. I hav3 a f33lin6 that j00 ar3 ri6ht wh3r3 j00 want 2b3. I am r3mainin6 a$ w3ll. I am n3arby. Thiz plac3 will n0t b3 r3m3mb3r3d, and t3h m3m0ry 0f 3v3rythin6 that $tart3d thiz can finally b36in 2fad3 away. A$ t3h a60ny 0f 3v3ry tra63dy $h0uld. And 2j00 m0n$t3r$ trapp3d in t3h c0rrid0r$, b3 $till and 6iv3 up j00r $pirit$. T3hy d0n't b3l0n6 2j00. F0r m0$t 0f j00, I b3li3v3 t3hr3 iz p3ac3 and p3rhap$ m0r3 waitin6 f0r j00 aft3r t3h $m0k3 cl3ar$. Alth0u6h, f0r 0n3 0f j00, t3h dark3$t pit 0f H3ll haz 0p3n3d 2$wall0w j00 wh0l3, $0 d0n't k33p t3h d3vil waitin6, 0ld fri3nd. My dau6ht3r, if j00 can h3ar m3, I kn3w j00 w0uld r3turn a$ w3ll. It'$ in j00r natur3 2pr0t3ct t3h inn0c3nt. I'm $0rry that 0n that day, t3h day j00 w3r3 $hut 0ut and l3ft 2di3, n0 0n3 wa$ t3hr3 2lift j00 up in2t3hir arm$ t3h way j00 lift3d 0t3hr$ in2j00r$, and t3hn, what b3cam3 0f j00. I $h0uld hav3 kn0wn j00 w0uldn't b3 c0nt3nt 2dizapp3ar, n0t my dau6ht3r. I c0uldn't $av3 j00 t3hn, $0 l3t m3 $av3 j00 n0w. It'$ tim3 2r3$t - f0r j00, and f0r th0$3 j00 hav3 carri3d in j00r arm$. Thiz 3nd$ f0r all 0f u$. 3nd c0mmunicati0n.