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Reviews for "Piconjo Sp33ch"

W0w, thiz 6am3 r3ally mad3 m3 f33l lik3 t3h 60d 0f t3h pr0tal! 6r3at j0b!

N0w i'm b3tt3r than pic0nj0
Edit: Piconjo is worth < dollar tree

Piconjo responds:

Piconjo > j00

larrynachos responds:

it r3ally mak3$ j00 F33L lik3 pic0nj0!

What t3h fuck did j00 ju$t fuckin6 $ay ab0ut m3, j00 littl3 bitch? I'll hav3 j00 kn0w I 6raduat3d t0p 0f my cla$$ in t3h Navy $3al$, and I'v3 b33n inv0lv3d in num3r0u$ $3cr3t raid$ 0n Al-Qua3da, and I hav3 0v3r 300 c0nfirm3d kill$. I am train3d in 60rilla warfar3 and I'm t3h t0p $nip3r in t3h 3ntir3 U$ arm3d f0rc3$. J00 ar3 n0thin6 2m3 but ju$t an0t3hr tar63t. I will wip3 j00 t3h fuck 0ut with pr3cizi0n t3h lik3$ 0f which haz n3v3r b33n $33n b3f0r3 0n thiz 3arth, mark my fuckin6 w0rd$. J00 think j00 can 63t away with $ayin6 that $hit 2m3 0v3r t3h Int3rn3t? Think a6ain, fuck3r. A$ w3 $p3ak I am c0ntactin6 my $3cr3t n3tw0rk 0f $pi3$ acr0$$ t3h U$A and j00r IP iz b3in6 trac3d ri6ht n0w $0 j00 b3tt3r pr3par3 f0r t3h $t0rm, ma660t. T3h $t0rm that wip3$ 0ut t3h pat3htic littl3 thin6 j00 call j00r lif3. J00'r3 fuckin6 d3ad, kid. I can b3 anywh3r3, anytim3, and I can kill j00 in 0v3r $3v3n hundr3d way$, and that'$ ju$t with my bar3 hand$. N0t 0nly am I 3xt3n$iv3ly train3d in unarm3d c0mbat, but I hav3 acc3$$ 2t3h 3ntir3 ar$3nal 0f t3h Unit3d $tat3$ Marin3 C0rp$ and I will u$3 it 2it$ full 3xt3nt 2wip3 j00r miz3rabl3 a$$ 0ff t3h fac3 0f t3h c0ntin3nt, j00 littl3 $hit. If 0nly j00 c0uld hav3 kn0wn what unh0ly r3tributi0n j00r littl3 "cl3v3r" c0mm3nt wa$ ab0ut 2brin6 d0wn up0n j00, mayb3 j00 w0uld hav3 h3ld j00r fuckin6 t0n6u3. But j00 c0uldn't, j00 didn't, and n0w j00'r3 payin6 t3h pric3, j00 60ddamn idi0t. I will $hit fury all 0v3r j00 and j00 will dr0wn in it. J00'r3 fuckin6 d3ad, kidd0.


Well the game is interesting the art is very nice on this What a fun game you have created here for us to enjoy you bring on some fresh ideas and designs and even showcase it well, the whole picanjo element was very fun on this game loved the text bubble too


Piconjo Sp33ch is a gadget flash. There are really no graphics as it's just a speech translator. Gameplay is nothing as you just type.

The medals work, and I earned them all.