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Reviews for "Puzzle Crafter"

Seems okay, but not really my thing personally. I think the aesthetics are a bit too generic for me. But the Puzzles themselves seem alright, though a bit clunky.

larrynachos responds:

Yeah, the graphics are simple and the levels are sloppy. The minigames are where the fun is! I also enjoy playing around in the level editor, but I guess others don't find it as fun.

Thanks for the review!

I played the puzzles, or adventure mode as you call it, they were pretty cute and relaxing. The music sets the tone for an easy-going atmosphere. That said, I'm not really sure what this game is trying to be, specially with the the mini game section and unlocks. It really feels like a little showcase of random stuff you've been practicing all packed together, and I guess it all kinda works at the cost of being very simplistic. I can't give much direction as to how to make it much better gameplay wise.

Sadly the audio mixing was not good, the booster platforms exploded my ears first time they showed up because they are much louder than other things. Also a big loss on the score from me is due to the level browse buttons that open external pages without informing me they're going to do that until I click them. Always be upfront about that stuff, like put a Google Drive icon on it or somethin.

larrynachos responds:

The original game idea was the level editor tbh. I like making level editors, and this was probably my most successful attempt. The adventure mode is just a demonstration of the mechanics. I'm not a very creative level designer, so I knew adventure mode would be lackluster. I was hoping to get more custom level submissions from the community, but I've only received 2 small submissions so far. I made the minigames section because I love minigames. It's a great opportunity to test smaller mechanics in self contained environment, instead of making a whole game based on a small mechanic. I also try to include medals and scoreboards in my games, to keep people coming back.

I'll have a look at the booster volume, it didn't really strike me as bothersome until the adventure mode level that used them. Thanks for letting me know! And good call with the google drive icon. I originally wanted to have an iframe element that would stay within the game so you could browse and submit in-game, but I didn't get it working in time. I'll revisit it and try to get it working for the next update!

Thanks for the feedback, you've been very helpful :)

Cute idea. The visual's are more than rough, but there's solid stuff here.

I dont particualiy like it

re author: gotta love an artist that attacks the critic rather than the review. what a child!

this just feels so unpolished mechanically.. and the art is so so bad.

you seem to have way too much faith in your physics engine because right off the bat in the first few levels there are times when you execute in the clearly intended way and still barely manage to fail due to not quite rolling to the edge of something.

if you're going to have a completely deterministic physics engine then you had better UNDERTUNE the difficulty. this is basic game design stuff.

look at portal 2. the physics is maniicured constantly in real time. they barely had any real physics in that game BECAUSE they knew that real play would break almost any puzzle if they did.

at the very least you could have used a 1d gradient for the background.

everything just feels off, wrong, and horrible about this game.

larrynachos responds:

Judging by the fact that you first played the game 17 minutes ago and left this review 12 minutes ago (and you only tried the adventure levels), I'd reckon you spent more time writing this review than you did playing the game. And judging by your profile, I'd also reckon that's just your thing 🤣

I didn't make the physics engine, and I'll admit the adventure levels are kinda sloppy, but I can beat each level in one try. You just have to know what to click and when.

Most of the art is from Kenny, a renowned game asset creator. I really appreciate the work he does to help people like me who can't make art. For the backgrounds, I used the canvas background (which is limited to one rgb) instead of making a bunch of gradient backgrounds because I hadn't done it before, and wanted to give more control over the background color in custom levels.

re: lmao attacked? I'm definitely allowed to defend my game from illegitimate critiques. Yikes did I hurt your feelings by calling out the fact you 0 bomb and rant without actually playing the game for more than 5 minutes? Your pseudo intellectualism is neither appreciated nor needed. But I do sincerely apologize for taking your bait.