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Reviews for "Every Man's Refund"

This was better than I thought. I guess it's mostly because the secret medals were quite easy to get. You just play the game normally. I know I've played something like this before. It could just be deja vu. The graphics are pretty good.

It is hard to really advance. Well, I got some stuff anyways! It could probably use more detail. I guess I'd have to comprehend it more. I still recommend it.

Skudge responds:

Thank you! I definitely could have polished it a bit more and added some actual tutorial stuff but I wanted to be done before the end of the month. Glad you like it!

Mediocre, but would get 3.5 or 4 stars if it had the Parody tag. Does well to mimic the frustrations of the real game.

Skudge responds:

what's a parody? this game is ART!!!!!!!

As a parody, it is well done. It embodies the weakness of the NMS execution as the "shallowness" of the playing experience most people had, and for that, it deserves 5 stars. I don't think anyone will disagree in this particular point, the game does his job very well, starting with the well-though name and going over the time of release.

Contrary to other people, I don't care that you didn't polish or add stuff, timing is important - What if Deus Ex guys waited till the WTC tragedy to release their game? If you waited more, no one would even remember NMS and would just think you made an horrible game (which is somewhat fair, since you intend to make a parody of ANOTHER horrible game, so it's intentional. An intentional failure is NOT a real one, since you accomplished what you always intended to do!).

Therefore I don't think there's a lack of polishment, and therefore it would not be fair to take out stars based on this. The pixelated graphics are just fine. Sound is fine too, no issues. The loading time is too long - Do you have it as part of the parody?

Now for the bad part. I hate NMS and all the hype, and that hate extends to everyhing related to NMS too. That includes parodies, parodies makers and those who review stuff about NMS/NMS related stuff. This means I hate your game, you, and myself (since just now I realized that I'm reviewing NMS related stuff). I will put this hate into practice by giving your game 0 stars without any reason. that's it. ZERO stars for your game.

Since it awarded 5 stars as an outstanding parody, but 0 stars as a game, I believe an average value (2,5 or even 3) is fair enough. I'll give you 3, you're above average.

Skudge responds:

Hey, thanks! Glad you like it. Sorry I made you hate yourself lol. Thanks for the awesome review. And yeah the long loading is intentional and totally fake.

On one hand this is very nearly a good game. On the other, fixing the problems would defeat the point. I'm not quite certain how to feel about it

I can say this: What you have here is impressive, considering how quickly it came out. And I think you're focusing a bit too much on Murray- there were more factors than just him in how NMS turned out

I dunno, maybe you could use this as a basis to create a better version of NMS?

Skudge responds:

I might have to do that. Thanks for the review!

that motha flippin hold "E" tho.... i quit playing cuz of that and thats the only reason 1/2 a star is missing

Skudge responds:

Thanks! :D