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Reviews for "WTC - Superhero"

Please don't judge a kind man so quickly.

Well, I'm a Christian, and I was deeply offended by the way you portray Christ after the begger scene. I often find it difficult to understand how people can ridicule somone as humble and kind as he was, even if they think of him only as a fictional character. However, you do have a right to your opion and to express it.

Remember this people. Life as we know it was not ment to be lived without suffering, loss and death. You can not expect God to protect you from everything in life. He will be there, though, to support you and guid you through your trouble times, even when others will not. I am very greatful for that.

The movie itself wasn't bad

..but after watching many of your movies the message of "No Religion" seems almost fanatically religious. Your movies left me feeling like I had opened my front door to a bunch of Jehovah Witnesses hell bent on forcing their beliefs on me. Your passion about "No Religion" in of itself makes it your religion. If you continue this trend, you will become hypocritical and no better than the "bible pushers" themselves.
No need to get bent out of shape - just a thought.

infidelguy responds:

Wrong, just as I don't have to open my door, you didn't have to click on the link nor watch the movie.

Logic is NOT your forte is it? Must be a fundy.


The Drill Seargent in FMJ says a lot of stuff, none of them having ANYTHING to do with the WTC or this movie.
I'm not a religious person, because I know too much about religion to take it to heart. It does bug me, however, when I see people try to destroy the one idea that might give some people a little hope when faced with such shitty things as terrorist attacks. Why do people have to be so self-richeous that they feel the need to snuff out someone else's spark of faith that helps them get through such tough times. Maybe it's got something to do with jealousy, because someone without faith, by their very nature, is denying themselves something they can never understand so long as they keep themselves so closed to the possibility that there might be things in the universe they don't understand.
Besides, it's not Jesus' fault that a bunch of idiot protestants looked at the bible and decided to beleive that it was the final authority on All Things Great and Small. It's PEOPLE who can't grasp that the stories are metaphors. God doesn't MAKE anyone believe in anything. It's not God's fault either. The only thing God ever did was give us the free will to make our own decisions and fuck things up for OURSELVES.
So I always get pissed off when people try to blame shit on God, or say "Why do bad things happen to good people!?". Yeah, that goes for you whiny aithests as well as you annoying yahoo fundementalists. Neither of you are more open minded than the other, so get off your god-damned soapbox and READ A BOOK FOR CHRISSAKES.
I wish that aithests and fundamentalists would stop trying to preach to each other, because nobody that far on the right--and either side is a conserviative outlook, just a differing opinion-a liberal outlook would be much more open to the fact that hey, maybe I don't know EVERY GOD DAMNED THING, so you hard-core democrats can eat my ass too--will ever be swayed by the ramblings of a fanatic.
Jpegs? Why not just draw in Flash? It would probably save space. Or not. I don't really know shit about flash, as anyone who's seen any of my movies could tell you.
So in summation, I gave the movie a low score not because it wasn't well made (because it's made better than many that get on the front page), but because the premise of the movie was to make people more cynical, and poke fun at people who believe that we should all be nice to each other for a change. And that's MEAN.

Uhh.... no.

1) I know people look for signs, but I assure you that most sensible christians won't take a cross section of a beam as a sign from God. The cross peice was merely a memorial.
2) Men were responsible for WTC, not God. Men were given the reign of the world according to scriptures, so it is their choice weither they wish to be wicked.
3) If this masscre hurts your faith, brace yourself. It's only going to get worse. 9/11 is only a small example of the things to come.


As much of an atheist as I am, if Jesus had superpowers, I don't think he would save a metal cross instead of a thousand people who are all going to die. It wasn't that funny either