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Reviews for "WTC - Superhero"

Just counter-acting the super christians...

Get the holy crosses from between your butt cheeks and know when you loosen up and enjoy a joke!! I bet you people would want a 110 story cross put in the WTC's place...

You religous hypocrites...

The movie was mildly entertaining but htsi review is more of a comment toward those making idiotic claims about the atheist adgenda. For one, I have never in my life heard an atheist state or even sugest that people should not have the freedom to practice religion. That was a completley fabricated statement and you know it. And as far as Christian's leaving others to practice their own ways, I actually had to leave a previous school due to daily harassment, even in some cases violent becuase I was not Christian. You are hypocrites and don't even realize how very much un-christian you all are. (I know im generalizing and I'm sure there are some perfect christians out there but I have yet to meet one who would make Jesus proud of his followers)

Good lord

I probably wouldn't have bothered to review it since I'm lazy, but I just wanted to get that idiots review before me off the page. His hardon for Jesus must have affected his typing ability. Anyway my money says your explanation is much more likely than any sort of divine bullshit.

well of course...

nice to see you started thinking about things.
it's true that the hell of a lot of people died in the WTC towers that day. i don't think it's very just either...and i'm not some deeply concerned or pissed catholic...
BUT: i don't think that to kid people who find relieve in believing in a kind god is actually leading anywhere. nobody is forced to believe.
what did you want to proof? that there's injustice in the world? yes, you're right. that some god is responsible 4 it?
start thinking about the homeless guy who's starving round the corner behind your apartment house. i don't think it was god who walked by, avoiding his gaze. it was probably you or me.

A answear

The question at the end of this movie asked for the answear well I dont have the answear I got a answear. The point acording to the bibe is we have free will to do what we want like a earlier post we are not robots or puppets being pulled on a string
The thing is atheists seem to not want to be bugged by the christns telling them to repent but they want to see christens turn away from there belief. How is this any diffrent one way or the other its still forceing a belief on someone.
As for the symbole of the cross. Why is it reverned in such a way in a disaster?
I think its because its a sign of hope in a place that at the time seemed hopeless. Giveing the familys a cence of closhier. Liveing family can think there loved ones are off in a better place. You would be pretty stupid to think that a ultimate being would bother with blowing up a tower just to save some gurters that support a building. The notion of this is kinda dumb and the movie itself didn't really apeal to anything but more "why would god do this" when actually god didn't do it it was people who did. The same people hord food from the starving and trample the weak. So theres a answear now you think about it.

infidelguy responds:

Another theist that missed the point entirely. What's the point of writing up a quick summation if no one even reads it? Look, this is what many religionists are saying, "The cross found in the debris is a result of God's will to provide a sign of hope and that his presence was there." Hello..!!?? I am responding to this idiotic claim. Nothing else.

You have created a strawman argument. The question is, "Why was the cross preserved but not the people?"

If many Christians truly believe that the cross was preserved for ANY reason. They are conceding the cross was more valuable than human beings.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist.

If you aren't a believer that ascribes to such an obvious idiocy. Then you should see the ridiculousness of it as well.

Which is exactly the point.

These strawmen, ad hominems, and red herrings are starting to piss me off.