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Reviews for "WTC - Superhero"

Thatb is interesting......disturbing....but in...


Must remain focused....Lol.

I'd save the hot women first, then the fair looking women. Then the kids. Then the cool men. Then the geek men. The ugly women, old people, and such can just find their own way out.

Ta-BEE 1.2.3
Who would you save first? If you could.

Smarter than Thou

I was interested to see what the general response to this would be, since most kids today are pseudo wiccans or just Christian haters.
It was much more against this than I would have figured, maybe it’s because in your quest to bash Christians you use terror victims as your medium.
I don’t finding a “cross” at ground zero was very special seeing as how it is a common shape in construction. If it was the Star of David, however, I think it would be something to ponder. That is no reason to belittle those who find meaning in it or use it as a symbol for their faith.
You’re an Atheist, that’s wonderful. You don’t have to club people over the head with it, like the bible beating southern Baptists do with the “gospel.”

Let people make up thier own minds and don't call them and thier beliefs stupid if you disagree.
I advise christains to do the same in regards to Athiests.
Be Tolerant.

infidelguy responds:

Where did I belittle anyone? Symbols are fine, but when a group of people claim their deity rescued a cross rather than people. A few questions should be asked. I only asked one. The cartoon was designed to carry one through an entire gambit of emotions. Apparently it worked.

My previously reply is more detailed about this.

ah the question of the disbeliever

i have no problem with this toon, i like it, good animation, good story, good sound, for a toon, i gave it an average rating because it was an average toon.

The question is one of those very bland though, just my thoughts on it. When you can pose a question to me that makes me say, "Wow man... that TOTALLY disproves everything that Christianity has ever said" Then I'll be impressed, until then, it's just a war of vagueness, neither can prove anything, and both simply are put down into the point where they begin asking questions to the effect of, "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around does it make a sound" - Useless really, we have our faith in our God, you have your faith there is none, and other's have their faith in their God(s) as well, and from there all it is, is a way to live our seperate lives.

infidelguy responds:

No where in this toon am I making an express effort to get people to leave Christianity. My "Flood" toon is more to that task.:)

Your strawman is called out. Now let's look at what's really bothering you. I know. You CAN'T answer the question.

Go look at some porn Mr. Morality.
I can't believe Christians are even posting in this forum.

Also, I don't need FAITH that there is NO God. I merely do not ascribe to an unprovable concept. Just as you don't believe in Flying Unicorns. You don't need to have FAITH that they don't exist. You merely are defaulted to an absence of Unicorn belief, due to the complete an utter lack of evidence. As a result, you are an aunicornist.

"To be truly open-minded one has to accept the possibility, that they may be wrong." - R. Finley

"Man creates Gods all of the time, why believe in your subjective fabrication?" - R. Finley


Well yer an atheist and thatz kinda obvious and I respect that you believe that. The reason god wouldn't save all those lives is that he wants life to go on and its ppl's choices to what happens to them. He doesn't like what happened and he wish it didnt but he had to let life go on and making such a huge miracle like that saving 3000 people would raise alot of speculation and athiests would get pretty pissed no offence. The only christians that think there better then any other religious people aren't really christian because there not even following there own rules and real christians respect what other people are.

Another question:

Why should god? Do you think he owes it to us to do our will? Do you think we really deserve being saved the way our society is today?