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Reviews for "WTC - Superhero"

Really makes you think

First off, I didn't really find this funny. Not because of the content, but just cause it didn't really make me laugh.
I agree that a lot of people find religion where there is none (A few years ago south of Tampa, FL, there was a WINDOW STAIN on an office building that looked like Mary, and people WENT NUTS. Pretty crazy, if you ask me.)
But I disagree with all these people who say "Who cares about WTC? America has killed more innocent people that anyone else." Just because America has done some terrible things, does that neccesarily make the WTC incident justified? No. Deaths of innocent people are always tragic, whether they are caused by the U.S. military, terrorists, or the apathy of people.
Also, there already is a superhero named Jesus H. Christ (sidekick to Battle Pope. Very funny Indie comic), and you clearly ripped off the costume from Dogma's Buddy Christ.
So, in summary, good message, good animation, not very funny, not that creative.

infidelguy responds:

What are you, 10? That was the whole point. It wasn't supposed to be funny. Especially if you are a believer. The "rip off" was purposefully done. Hello? McFly!?

Not creative eh? Who else has done this?

That's what I thought?


Well, JeremyFox_Hounder, a lot of people today think it's the "in" thing to do, to be wiccan, since Godsmack became popular and put on MTV a wiccan ritual. I actually do not like Godsmack anymore since that day. Do me, it brings disgrace to the religion. Godsmack "used" Pagan beliefs to get publicity and to gain more of a fan base. Doing wiccan rituals in concerts is one thing, on TV is another... moving on... I actually agree with the final question, if the almightly one "God" exists, why would he save metal over life. Just picture this, there are wars being fought over who's "God" is better. Muslems God and Christian's God are the same thing. Most people do not know this. Jesus whorshiped AAllah, or however it's spelled.

If anyone wants to get into a religious decussion with me and about how I feel about the entire Christian Bible, AIM me at DrunkenDragon713.

Here's another question for everyone to think of... Why is it, that every religion has their own form of bad/evil, but only Christianity believes in Satan? Thats why, when dumb fucks call people satanists, all they are calling them is Christians. Satan is a Christian belief, no other religion believes in it.

That is all...



Being a fellow atheist, I can see where you're coming from with this. Many of the devote simply cannot see it from our point of view, and many are so blindly faithful that they would defend the name of God and his son. I, like many atheists, cannot believe without proof. The events of Sept 11th only supports the atheist side of the arguement, once again begging the question "If God were so powerful, why does he make us suffer?". But each to his own. I hold no ill will toward the devote, and I hope they in turn feel none to me. I can get along with anyone, since I do not hold one's beliefs against them.

you could have done better

it was ok but ya

Interesting flash.

Oh jeez. Everyone is blowing this simple flash out of proportion. To those who said "GOD GIVES FREE WILL HE CANT HELP US LOLOL", shut up. If you read that Bible, God directly intervened to help "his" people several times in the Old and New Testament, so that argument is void. Simply put, God had favorites. I'm going through these reviews and I'm seeing a lot of shit arguments to this video with absolutely nothing to back it up. Calm down and relax. It's just a movie that provokes a little thought. What gives you guys the right to force your beliefs down my throat, but once someone that holds another belief says something, you freak out? Don't be hypocrites. *waits for all of you simpletons to push "no" or "abusive" under my review like the predictable people you are*
If you're going to bitch at me for being honest, I'm not going to read it. Deal with my piece and move on.

About the movie: The graphics were mediocre, but the message was original. Granted, not everyone saw it as a sign from god, and they simply saw it as a memorial, but most of those religious bigots have personally preached to me that it was in fact, a direct sign from god. This movie is not insensitive in the least, I think there are a lot of people that died on that horrible day that would be insulted had they known they would be exploited to preach and expand the Christian agenda.