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Reviews for "WTC - Superhero"

Really makes you think

First off, I didn't really find this funny. Not because of the content, but just cause it didn't really make me laugh.
I agree that a lot of people find religion where there is none (A few years ago south of Tampa, FL, there was a WINDOW STAIN on an office building that looked like Mary, and people WENT NUTS. Pretty crazy, if you ask me.)
But I disagree with all these people who say "Who cares about WTC? America has killed more innocent people that anyone else." Just because America has done some terrible things, does that neccesarily make the WTC incident justified? No. Deaths of innocent people are always tragic, whether they are caused by the U.S. military, terrorists, or the apathy of people.
Also, there already is a superhero named Jesus H. Christ (sidekick to Battle Pope. Very funny Indie comic), and you clearly ripped off the costume from Dogma's Buddy Christ.
So, in summary, good message, good animation, not very funny, not that creative.

infidelguy responds:

What are you, 10? That was the whole point. It wasn't supposed to be funny. Especially if you are a believer. The "rip off" was purposefully done. Hello? McFly!?

Not creative eh? Who else has done this?

That's what I thought?

good point...........

although obvious to some people....and to fourdaddy and ne one else who didnt find this funny.......YOUR FUCKING RETARDED!

infidelguy responds:

lol..Some people can't get the obvious Tempest. Thanks for the post.


It's just sad how you people rate that movie 3 and below just because it opposes your common belief. The movie itself is great, features nice artwork, neat sense of humor and an awesome, funny and unpredictable ending.

I suggest you bunch of hypocrites lay off and respect one's beliefs/opinions, and not close-mindedly persecute (yes, that's EXACTLY what you are doing) him for expressing them. You make yourself look just as fanatic as the Taliban itself.


this made me laugh. screw all of you who can't look on things with a sense of humor and an open mind


Jesus H. Christ, that was really funny. I hope this stays on the frontpage for a long time! For an a typical blood/violence loving NG audience, you guys sure take it like a hair up the ass. "You wouldn't think this way if your relatives died there." What the hell? You think Afghan families didn't lose lives, homes, etc and more? I bet if you were to watch Afghanistan getting bombed back further than stone age you'd clap and laugh like a fool. Move on with your lives already. Stop taking it so personal! Who cares if there's God or not?