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Reviews for "Labyrinth: SoS"

It`s easy to get trapped and have to start your game all over. Aside from that complaint this game was awesome! loved playing as a little demon creature in randomly generated metroidvania styled dungeons. The permanent powerups and boss fights were also nice touches as well :)

PestoForce responds:

glad you enjoyed!

Great game, good art and music

PestoForce responds:


Overall it's pretty good, but the fact that you take fall damage (in a platformer) is REAL annoying, doubly so since you can't control how high you jump, which makes the "super jump" upgrade more of a downgrade than anything because you usually end up hurting yourself each time you jump (unless the spot you jumped to is much higher than where you jumped from)

It also gets far too easy once you get explosives, since then you can either use rockets to pretty much insta-kill a boss, or use grenades to make a pit to trap him in (and then hit him whenever he tries to jump out)

Lastly I don't like how you have no ranged attack if you're not at full health, since this tends to become self-fulfilling (can't get health because I keep taking damage, keep taking damage because I have no ranged attack due to lack of full health). I admit this may be a personal gripe, but I feel it would've worked better if the ranged attack was something you had all the time and the melee attack was just for when you overheated.

PestoForce responds:

Fall damage is a natural way of telling you to proceed more carefully.

Pro-tip: Hold up or down button to look up or down to scope out an area before you leap.

You CAN in fact control your jump height. If you "tap" jump you'll jump significantly less high. This works when you have the jump boots upgrade too, but I agree that the jump boots upgrade is a mixed bag, and I usually avoid getting it myself.

Keep playing! You'll need all the OP explosives you can get for some of the later boss challenges... believe me!

Losing ranged attack on overheat only is an interesting idea... maybe in the sequel!

Well I was impressed and at the same time a bit let down because this game has so much good things but at the same time, not so good. I enjoyed and at the same time did not enjoy the game.
So lets get going with the review, the points I usually take when I review a game, this time its a retro style game:

-Game Mechanics.
-Battle Mechanics.
-Music and Sound Effects.
-Game Features.
-Normal or Broken. (Final Score)

-Story = 8
The story is well simple and not very interesting, still it makes you understand why is the main character (The hybrid cat dragon?) has to destroy the dark orbs to save the day from the darkness.

-Game Mechanics = 10 [Reinforced with Game Features]
The mechanics in the game where well placed and well executed, never had problems with it, making this game easy get used to.

But the game itself it's very easy. The use of randomized dungeons was great and with the features it had, was good thought making the game tones easy and lose its strength.

-Battle Mechanics = 6 [Score affected by Game Features]

The battles in the game where often very boring and the combat was extremely repetitive, when we talk about the boss fights are kind of generic and almost no difference between each other, thought this are maybe... the parts that saved this game to fall apart hard (Still a great weakness in the game overall). Plus the game features sure hurt the game in this aspect because it totally breaks the balance (Going to explain in Game Features).
A side of that, the power bar was well implemented to prevent spamming full health ranged attacks + with the implementation of "No ranged until full hp" prevents a hyper easy mode and makes you look for slices of cake or the big cake to heal and recover.

-Music and Sound Effects = 9
Very well done, the retro music was very good and as the sounds in the game where well sync and placed.

-Game Features... = 3 [Reinforced by Game Mechanics]
The most important aspect of a game is what it can offer you during your progress in it as well as what can you control sure the audio and pause features where well placed and function properly, but the aspect that makes this game interesting are the power ups, witch completely destroy the game in battle but in the other side we have a good influence in the game mechanics.

In battle = Makes killing anything easy including the bosses, makes you almost unkillable (Acid can one-hit kill you).
Not in battle = Fast, easy exploration, fun time and fast monster clears (thought it does not mean it makes this game better)

-Graphics = 10
The graphics where very well made and the retro style can be seen from afar. Good job.

-Normal or Broken:
This game can be played in to ways: playing it normally or breaking the whole game thanks to power ups. I played the 2 of them and here is how I visualize the final scores.

Playing Normal (This involves not over using power ups like crazy and doing all by the book) = 3.7
Playing Broken (As the name suggests) = 1.5

Still i cant stop complaining and wondering a bit:
-Why no more kinds of mobs?
-Why no more variety of bosses?
-Why not harder levels?
-Why is this 2 easy!?!?!?

So my suggestions are the next ones:
1. More enemies!!!
2. Harder levels (works with randomized levels better)
3. More boss types (Lizards? No thanks)

That is all from my part, I know this is maybe not your best game, but it has potential to a point I still have hope that if you guys do a sequel, it will be amazingly over the top. I wish you guys the best of luck and I hope you come with something amazing next time.

PestoForce responds:

Thanks for the detailed review!

This review is probably not going to provide any more insight than the previous ones. but...

This is a great game if you can get started in the first level. The possession of one weapon (with ammo) and one kind of jumping aid (or block breaker) seems to trigger a bifurcation...
I had encountered at least 10 level 1's where no weapon was accessible, making beating the boss very much impossible (for me). But after I got one weapon and one kind of jumping aid in one try, everything turns out to be "easy" and fun but a bit repetitive (until I jumping into an acid pool).

The character (dragon?) is really cute. I like it/him/her a lot.

PestoForce responds:

Thx for the review!