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Reviews for "Boss 101"

First the positives: Neat idea to mix up bosses. The dialogue was witty enough to start off with. Very smooth controls. Nice pixel graphics. Music was okay. Upgrades are always fun. Overall the concept is great - however

(the negatives) I found myself really bored with the game by lvl 34. sometimes brevity can be a good thing. Instead of having so many levels to play - think about only having 40 or 50 and increase the difficulty. I know you made a more difficult mode, but at this point I have no interest in even trying it since even on simple I haven't died once but don't want to spend the time to see 101. Also there is no reason to need so many upgrades. With this concept I'd think maybe 5 upgrades in each category would be sufficient; same thing for the hats.

You have talent, that's for sure! I hope I don't come off as too critical but this particular game lacks replay-ability for me.

DarkTimmy responds:

Completely valid points and it might not surprise you to know I agree about the game length. I think when I was making it I felt all smarty pants about 101 levels matching the game title (Boss 101). In the end I should have err'd on the side of concise versus lengthy and shortened it down to 30-40 and made the progressions smother. Thanks for the comment and the play! Really appreciate it! -Tim

On the first round i was already able to go for 100.000$ bosses. Needless to say, this lead to every boss from this point on being dead within a few shots.
Concept is good, but yeah- it's just too easy.

DarkTimmy responds:

Yeah - in hindsight the game is a pretty easy walk on the early levels for a decently and high skilled player. I hear yah and mos-def this will be addressed on a sequel. As I was making the game I had it tuned so hard at one point that you would get one shotted or rammed and be done. Needless to say I cranked that way down and spread out the ramp up over 101 levels. Hard mode does address some of that but yah - can't argue that a good guy will burn through 30 levels easy. Thanks for the comment and the play though! Best, -Tim

Uh, its ok. While the shop screen has a good amount of customization, the fighting is too simplistic, despite all the boss parts, most seem to follow a handful of attack patterns.
I found the sound and the graphics appropriate; good job on the music, which suited it perfectly.
The cut scenes I would remove entirely, they add nothing, and only slow the imminent battle down.
I could see some people playing it all the way through based on your clever random enemy parts and collecting/maxing things, but I am not one of those people. I stopped around level 25.

DarkTimmy responds:

Appreciate the play and the feedback. Thank you for that! Completely understand those suggestions and where they are coming from. I want to make games people enjoy so I'm taking all the things I can and compiling a nice sequel list. I would love to go and re-patch the game way up but the truth is that would be a near re-write of the game. My skills were feeble when I did Boss 101 but are better now. I think a sequel would be a nice use of my time. I'll still support Boss 101 since it's my first baby though! HAHA! Thanks again for taking a moment to write down some thoughts! Means a lot to me! Best, -Tim

Boss 101 feels like a game written for kids, by kids. It's not that challenging, is tedious, and its in-game dialogues are neither funny nor witty. It's a good time sink, full of repetitive goodies where the biggest difference between the previous and the next are going to be graphics.

The positive side is that there's some heart in this game. Some love was put into making it a polished product. That much can be appreciated for sure. However, there's limited if any replay value and anyone with gradeschool education should be able to easily plow through the levels.

The character development is kind of cute. I'd like to see more of this game's universe in the future. I just hope with writing done by someone wittier, and with game play more diverse or refined.

DarkTimmy responds:

Thanks for the play and the comment. I'm glad you see the potential in it 'cause I do plan on making more games in this universe. I can 100% agree I am not the wittiest guy around but I did my best. The writing is not for everyone that is for sure. Look for more and perhaps they will be more to your taste! Thank you again! Best, -Tim

Although this game isn't terrible by all means, it is too easy and apparently boring. The bosses are randomized, but the random features each boss receives are rather bland, and does little to transform how each level plays. None of the enemies really stuck out as unique, they all have a saucer-shape that makes them look too similar visually.
The controlling of the player isn't fun, he goes far to slow for my liking. A boss would be charging towards me, but there would be nothing I could do because of the lackluster speed of the protagonist. The gun also shoots at a very slow pace, although upgrades allow you to change that slightly.
Each level is pretty much the same every time. The bosses are generally the same, and upgrading the player's weapon only barely alters the game play. These are some contributing factors to why I don't really enjoy this game.
I could however control the player easily, and I can't recall any technical issues. You have real potential to create a great game, but this is not a good example of that.

DarkTimmy responds:

Hey man- some really good stuff there! We're working on a (hopefully to your liking) MUCH improved sequel aimed to address every single one of those issues and NOT ONLY THAT we intend to add a bunch of fun NEW items and interactions to spice things up!

Feel free to mail me at hello(at)donleytimefoundation.com if you want in on the Beta. We love people who care!

