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Reviews for "Earth Taken"

Somewhat finicky controls, but aside that.. This is easily, in my mind, going to be a popular classic later on. Even withstanding the limited guns, and upgrades, it's actually very fun; Upgrades never felt too strong, each gun had it's own uses, and if you conserved health and food, you would be able to purchase much more if you went in heads on. Plus, achievements in this happened to be surprisingly fun, albeit not difficult in the slightest.

Cons; AI, happened to be horrid for me, peculiarly in the final level. Since I was going for the savior medal, well.. Each of them kept bustling out, and died as a result. In the sequel, (Since this definitely warrants a sequel of some sort, by the game itself and such feedback) I hope they happen to be less jumpy, but not static. Secrets, while limited due to the platforming aspect, were sometimes well hidden, but all you needed to do was search for a while.

Somewhat disappointed that man v.s man wasn't an option, though. Fighting against fellow, rouge survivors might'ave been quite fun, just an addition to the alien aspect. Never did this game take itself too seriously, and while the premise is cheezy at times, for a flash game, very impressive. Now, I was a little disappointed about the lack of guns; Flamethrower was a very neat addition, however, so I'll give you that.

All in all, it was thoroughly enjoyable, save for the AI. Even backtracking isn't tedious, since it encourages finding lost items.. Now, though, the gas mask might need some tweaks. After an upgrade, just one, you essentially never need to buy that many, which is saddening to me. Perhaps that could be tweaked in the sequel, as well, maybe if you sustain a certain amount of damage, your mask will consume air quicker? Just a suggestion.

Good job!

SeethingSwarm responds:

Wow, thanks for the in-depth review and constructive feedback! So glad you enjoyed the game and I'll keep your suggestions in mind! Sorry about the poor A.I for the survivors! This was the first time I've ever made dynamic companions in a game and even though I am pretty damn proud of them, I know they can be really stupid sometimes. I'll try my best to improve on them for the sequel.

Man vs man will most probably feature in the next episode as well as a bigger variety of guns, aliens and gameplay elements. At least I'm gonna do my best! :D

Thanks for kind words and the nice score!

The controls are really messed up. I think you should put a crosshair, and let us guide it with a mouse. Whenever I open a ''shooter'' game, it's always played with a ''mouse'', and I really like them, but in this one, I really, really confuse what buttons there are. I just press Spacebar thinking it jumps, and wtf, I just confused it, and it doesn't jump, I go right in to the fire. You must have got the point.

Anyway, it's a cool-ass survival game, gas-mask filters and crap, you gotta drink water, eat food, that idea is GREAT. But the CONTROLS; they messed up the WHOLE game.
How about this:

Mouse - Aim
Spacebar - Jump (x2, doublejump)
E - Interact / Throw Enemies
LMB - Shoot
R - Reload
Q - Switch Weapons
F - Eat food rations
P or ESC - Pause and In-game Menu

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks for the feedback and constructive criticism. Much appreciated :)

The reason why I deliberately made the control setups for keyboard alone is pretty much exactly because almost every game like this out there use the mouse and not everyone prefers that. Granted, probably the majority of players prefer playing with a mouse, but I don't. Nor do a lot of other players. I feel there is a shortage of games like this that cater for people who prefer using the keyboard alone and that's why I made this game play like this.

I'm sorry if this was not your play style, but like you said, there are a hell of a lot of games like this out there that has the controls set up for mouse and WASD. I wouldn't say the controls are messed-up, just not what everybody might prefer, and I've gotten quite a few comments and messages from people thanking me for making the game like this which plays pretty much the same as Alien Hominid and Earth Worm Jim etc concerning aiming, shooting and movement. Sorry this ruined the game for you, but hopefully you can understand that not everyone prefers the same control setup.

Thanks so much for not giving this game a zero and still voting fairly even though you didn't like the control setup. It means a lot and I appreciate it :)

too glitchy

SeethingSwarm responds:

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What sort of glitches? I wish you could have elaborated more so I could maybe fix them. I haven't heard of any major glitches before :/

This Game is great! very good job! 5 stars!!!!!

SeethingSwarm responds:

Awesome! Thanks for the 5 stars! :)

Execellent game, just make it a bit harder next time.
Maybe more expensive ammo or cannisters so peopple HAVE to look for them around, the need to eat food rations to stay alive so that it is more precious than it is now.
Also, sorry for the bad grammar, english is not my first language.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! And I'm glad you enjoyed the game... oh and don't worry about your grammar, it's actually much better than a lot of other native english comments here :P