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Reviews for "%% 911 the facist regime"


ok. . .sound is kinda bad and um a bit too much text to read, o well, good job

Getting the previous guy off

This is more or less just to get the previous guy's review off the main page. Not because I totally disagree or agree with anything he said. But it was just that he typed a whole bunch... and all it was was a bunch of pot head / liberalist bashing. So... in brief though... I'll share my infinate wisdom (heh J/K on that wisdom thing).

He brings up a rather valid point but is more or less just saying, "Hey! This could happen." Fine. And I do agree that I don't want the government to be able to track my internet activity and e-mails. What type of porn I surf is my own damn buisness. Oh... and I hope no one here is so dence as to think that the government doesn't ALREADY track that type of thing. Not the porn... I mean... just internet activity. It's not hard to do.

So. Either way. I think the people will come around on this. My knowlege of that particular bill is a bit limited. And since your flash animation only shows one side (which is fine for a political statement) I can hardly pass major judgment on what was to be said. Just wait though. People will realize what happened... and that everyone was just scared. And the bill will be repealed. I hope (from my limited knowlege of the bill).


I just wanted to point out that the last guy in his infinite wisdom spelled "denSe" "dence". Ok, I'm going to bed

wasn't good, but got the message across

Wasn't very good... lot's of stuff lacking... although it does state it's message clear enough.
I am also against the Patriot Act.

Hey to the last guy...

Yeah I agree with you're fourth statement. People are worrying about America slipping into facism. But for every step towards facism we take 4 steps away from the worlds current empire so I tell you not to worry. Though I do not understand why the last reviewist said that politics should be kept of newgrounds.