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Reviews for "%% 911 the facist regime"

I liked the graphics...

But perhaps you should actually read the act for yourself, instead of believing what someone else says it means. Think for yourself, do not let others think for you. And that, my friend, is the freedom you should cherish the most.

MarijuanaClock responds:

I've been following the news and reading up, I thought i'd share my opinions with otheres, I provide information so people don't think I'm some lone wacko.......

The people who are taking away America's freedom's

aren't "nazis" or "fascists".

It is the USA's $10 million a day to the Apartheid State of Israel that brought on the September 11th atrocity.

It was the Jewish lobby that pushed through the 1965 Immigration Act to open America's borders to the Third World hordes, some of whom perpetrated that awful terrorist outrage.

It is the Jewish lobby that is pushing for war against Iraq - Israel's enemy - and could start World War 3.

Bush isn't Hitler, he's just a traitor to his people. Even Hitler stood up for his own kind - the Germans. Who stands up for White Americans today?


It was that great. I can see all that on a message board or on the news...


Bad graphics, bad sound. The movie is crap. The message is put across in a trite manner. The Patriot Act does have much to object to within it, but calling it 'Facist' (sic) and comparing Bush with Hitler is silly and will simply alienate Americans you are trying to convince. Ominous music would be more effective than a Hitler speech. It's not a bad idea, and the message should be expressed, but this could have been a lot better.

Kids Today Are Full Of Leftist Poo Poo.

They Focus all thier angst on president bush and any one with an R by thier names. you mindlessly throw around terms like "Facist" and such.
President bush is in no way like Aldof Hitler.
he did not write a book out lining how he planed to kill millions of jews and then procede to do so.

I don't agree with the Act ehtier, but throwing around serious terms that should only be reserved for the worlds worst is not helping.
The Bush family did not support the nazi's durring WWII or give hitler hand jobs as some of you young'uns think. George H W Bush was shot down by the germans durring said war defending his and likely your country.

Hitler was evil and threated the very life of every single person living. Bush at worst is a scatter brained Ninnyhammer who can't talk right.
He may not have wonderfull ideas, but he is no hitler.

Be Glad Al Gore is not preisdent. we would have surrender to Usama right away.