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Reviews for "Windows Vista Errors"

If you need another Windows parody, Windows Vista Errors will satisfy you.
Graphics: Very much like Windows models, including some from other Windows platforms other than Vista.
Gameplay: Now, contrary to the title, this is actually NOT just a collection of funny errors. It's a big, multifunctional parody of Windows.
Sound: It's either a fan-made song in the errors section, or remixes of Classic windows errors in the media player.
Overall: This is a nice diversion for when you want a windows parody. The only drawback is that the medals could be a hassle to get, but otherwise, check this out!

TheMadWasp responds:

Hey, thanks man, you're making it sound like an advert (commercial), but I like it.
I tried making this as big I as I could manage, the music is from 3 great artists in the audio portal, the medals, I tried to make slightly harder, which I didn't succeed at, but that doesn't matter.


How do i get the CD -Drive Badge? Any Tips?

+4 Stars,Good game.

TheMadWasp responds:

I'll PM you.

very good game with great humor, i got he medals but i can't get why? seriously one

TheMadWasp responds:

Thanks, you'll get the medal, PM me if you want the to know how.

This is hilarious! I always love playing around with other versions of Windows!

TheMadWasp responds:

Why thank you!
I like playing with older version too.

Also a fun game!