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Reviews for "Windows Vista Errors"

If you need another Windows parody, Windows Vista Errors will satisfy you.
Graphics: Very much like Windows models, including some from other Windows platforms other than Vista.
Gameplay: Now, contrary to the title, this is actually NOT just a collection of funny errors. It's a big, multifunctional parody of Windows.
Sound: It's either a fan-made song in the errors section, or remixes of Classic windows errors in the media player.
Overall: This is a nice diversion for when you want a windows parody. The only drawback is that the medals could be a hassle to get, but otherwise, check this out!

TheMadWasp responds:

Hey, thanks man, you're making it sound like an advert (commercial), but I like it.
I tried making this as big I as I could manage, the music is from 3 great artists in the audio portal, the medals, I tried to make slightly harder, which I didn't succeed at, but that doesn't matter.


Funny. Especialy choice error and defect to apple.
There's a way to easily exploit maze but who cares....it's for fun and joke.

But I'm missing "Why? Seriously?"...I'm stumped on however to get it. X_X

TheMadWasp responds:

Yeah, thanks I didn't add the defect to apple part until late, but thanks.
Yeah, the maze is a choice on purpose.

You'll get it eventually, if you want help, PM me and I'll tell you.

Could somebody PM on how to get the oh, you can turn it off medal?

TheMadWasp responds:

Heh, okay, but I'm responding via my phone right now, but I'll message you tommorow.

How do I get Why? Seriously?

TheMadWasp responds:

I'll PM you

I really liked this gadget game:) is quite funny. you should try to put more stuff in like plug & play errors... that they can never detect the device! or you connect a mouse then it says: "you connected a keyboard windows just configured it! to use it just press the enter key" L.ol

or adding mouse wheel functions too... anyways good work:)

TheMadWasp responds:

Thanks for the suggestions, I generally try not to use those errors as they are usually used by other people who make Windows Parodies. As for the mouse wheel function idea: I would love to make the mouse wheel work, but I am not experienced enough in programming to make it work.

Thanks again!