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Reviews for "Guild Dungeons 2"

A potential bug I have found: When I send troops out on quests, it shows that one potential class are "Rouge Boggins", yet on my 'train soldiers' tab they do not show up to be trained.

Now, onto why I only gave you 3 and a half stars: balance issues. Resource buildings (i.e. tin mines, silver mines, wheat fields, etc.) give cost FAR to many resources for FAR to little a gain. Sometimes even future buildings will even wipe out you resource gains completely (tin mines measly 1 gain disappears when you make a smelter as it produces bronze from your tin). A simple thing to fix for this is to bump up the buildings gains... silver mine gives 50 silver, tin mine and other mines give 10 or 15 of those resources, etc, etc, etc. The game will still be challenging if you do this, plus with the added benefit of not feeling like I am wasting hours just for a handful of crummy resources.

As for the complaints you get about people quest battles and losing conscripts, henchmen, etc, that's something I am not going to raise an issue about. Each class has different skills that affect the AI and thus their chances in combat (conscripts have NO skills but many other classes do that come with bonuses to increase their survival rate). Plus, having the right leader whose skills compliment both who is sent into battle and white kind of environment they are questing in will affect the outcome, so again folks stop complaining about this.

That said, I think you need to either increase the amount of 'research' items (once unlocked after building the various buildings needed, of course) we can take into individual quests. I don't mind taking just 10 to start with, but maybe give us the chance to increase that number (spending resources, finding relics, whatever) till we can carry ALL the research items. Will that make quests easier... yup, but again if you have to spend TONS of resources for it/found EVERY relic then you've earned the right to do so.

That brings me up to my last point of contention.... relics. What is the point of them other than looking pretty? Perhaps you can make them give random bonuses befitting of whatever it is you locate (anvil for example cuts down on resource costs for research items, lightening rod increases by a percentage mana gain after building a shrine, etc). You can make their random find in a quest a higher chance to compensate.

All in all, I think it is an decent addictive game but the flaws that I mentioned keep it from being a GREAT addictive game. Hopefully you will take what I said into consideration. Till later though, later bro.

3.5 stars, mainly well... Its mostly good but there are a few small complaints I have.

1)needs more music, for the several hours I played, I got sick and tired of the same loop over and over again. An other option is to turn just the music off, and possibly have a link to radio rivendell for thematically correct music.

2)I would like to have more information about quests, maybe a little animation of the creatures doing their run, since right now I have no feedback on why the party failed. You have all these little things such as the filthlings will hit 3 units instead of 1, but that seems to be abstract data without knowing how things are going in a mission. As is, a difficulty 2 mission I can complete with 10 conscripts and 5 henchmen, but the difficulty 4 mission fails with the same amount of troops, plus 10 of each scrappers, monks, hunters and sneak thiefs. Without better feedback, I can not say if I had an issue with party makeup, or there are just not enough.

3) Research seems weak. I take the time to build all those buildings, but in the end, all it lets me do is buy more items. From the research tree, I should be able to improve things. Possibly just selecting an existing item/creature/building, and having it researched to unlock potential improvements for a wide variety of things. IE researching a scrapper could lead to HP upgrades, or researching a Mine could lead to improved efficiency.

4) There are things that happen in town automatically, making assumptions on my part. With the wonderful Children of Brinn, I know you can craft a good series of scenarios from simple options. Having some of these available for certain scenarios would be nice.

5) I can not find a single recipe for smiting. I have no clue with this, so a little hint would be nice.

Over all a good game, a nice improvement over Guild Dungeons, and with a little more polish and expansion to it, I can see this game being worth money, and even sold on GOG.com

it was good. though at first, I have difficulties on how will I make my village prosper because there was no guide on how will I play this game. But, later on, I have manage no bring prosperity to my village.

For the players, you have to use your wits and common sense. Read the things that will help you through the game.

Oh, by the way, put more effort in making your games a little bit interesting and worth playing for long hours. I admit that I was a little bored while playing this game.

All in all. it was good so I will give it a 3.5 stars for the rating. I am hoping that you will put your best effort in the games that you will create in the future to make your games better or even the best game in the history of games.

How do I get the mushroom

i used 500 troops on a lvl 2 quest and my troops failed is my game messed up?