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Reviews for "Guild Dungeons 2"

Its a wonderful game, obviously a lot of time, effort, coding and artwork has gone into it and it wouldn't be fair to give it anything less than a 5. However I have some suggestions for improvement;

Streamline buildings that require less resources into lower tier boxes rather than mixing them with higher resource buildings, it gave me quite a headache differentiating between what buildings I could buy and which ones I couldn't. (A yellow & red colour scheme might help, yellow for the resources I have red for the resources I do not have)

Create a morale bar or civil unrest bar so I can determine whether or not I will need to alter taxes or build improvements

Quests made no sense as to which ones are more difficult than others, perhaps a star system or difficulty rating would help. Additionally a more streamlined questing system that didn't require so much clicking for items I had no idea of the impact on success rate was. (A send all soldiers function would be handy as I wouldn't understand as to why you wouldn't just send everybody anyway.)

Create a max/min function for purchasing soldiers and a tier system as I didn't know which soldiers where redundant or even required for each task.

Leader system was confusing I just picked the leader with the most perks and used him frequently I didn't see the need to differentiate between any of them making a lot of the choice or gameplay redundant. (perhaps a leader purchasing option or minature RPG function to train leaders for better performance in battle.)

Most questing was burdensome aka all I did was max out my industry, civilian then economic buildings and then focus on questing. However questing seemed unnecessary as it cost more to produce my soldiers, then fanny around clicking relentlessly to send them on quests, to loosing soldiers for much less than the time and resources it toke to buy and send them. So the gain to loss ratio was mostly loss.

The things I would love to see is a glimpse as to the performance of my soldiers on a quest so I could strategize as to what soldier combinations worked and which ones didn't. And a nicely laid out quest system that complimented the city building aspect of gameplay.

I hope I wasn't to critical in my review, there is so much potential for awesomeness with this game I'm talking 6/5.. you know, impossible math :P thanks for reading and if you want any more honest opinion feel free to leave me a message :)

Hyptosis responds:

Thank you so much for the detailed, respectful, and thoughtful feedback. This helps me tremendously for future projects. This really means a lot to us amateur developers.

Okay, I played the first one, and it had its particular problems. This one I feel felt more expanded, but continued to still have said problems, even a few more.

-Resources: Okay, in order to get one building, you might have to say, sell some silver for some lumber, buy some stones, okay. Then you got to do the same for another building. Luckily, the building you made gives some resources for it right? Oh wait, it merely gives a pitiful 1 when it takes 50 or 100 to make. I'm guessing you have to just have to ignore industry and go for a military run, but then it comes to another problem.

-Success Rate: Plenty of people have complained about this it seems. Couldn't there be a way to I don't know, get a rough estimate (and possibly get a upgrade to that to a precise percentage)? It seems like sending a few guys to do a easy mission is a 100 percent, but then a level 2? Nope. I kinda wish reports were more informative in some cases, in one a henchman apparently died from eating a purple flower, but there were no casualties (he got better), and in another mission two guys got their knees hit, which apparently made the entire group (of about 50) die out of shock. It doesn't really help you get some really vague stats to go with it, like the various skills on characters, or items. Maybe having a set of dangers on each quest like skills? From "swampy so armored characters won't do well" to "oh yeah, there's a big dragon here, might not want to send just 2 conscripts here".

I really do want to enjoy this game, I really do, but there's just so many problems that make me want to quit early on.

Anyway, that's enough of the current problems, so I should talk about things that could be added (aside from anything I said above)

-More events: Well. seems kinda generic "lose some win some". Would be neat if there were some special ones that need certain things or perhaps involving leaders (recruit, upgrade, etc).

-Speed up time: Maybe I wouldn't have completely minded the tiny amount of resources given if it was sped up more. There also really isn't any reason NOT to speed up time, unless there were some time-limited objectives to worry about (and the point isn't that thankfully).

-Upgrading buildings: Because leaving that iron mine to make just 1 a turn isn't very helpful. Could be nice if to spend a bit more resources, to make it yield more drops. And maybe a option to not have my foundry devour all of my iron.

Well hopefully, all of the flaws will solved in a update, or perhaps Guild Dungeons 3 (although it kinda feels more like town builder really).

A few spelling mistakes and such here and there, at one point an enemy in the quest report was called "undefined" sounds like a missing entry somewhere but I can't remember the quest I was doing.

Overall the balance of the game is terrible, I understand you tried to balance around the economics around doing quests but it just doesn't work, bringing only 1 resource per turn for most of the important resources which are needed in large amounts to get the troops to do the quests that would get you those resources is silly...

Which is also an issue with the quest system, the difficulties don't actually seem relevant and even with researched items and such to try and "match" the issues you'd get at those quests its still silly.

the two quests with a base difficulty of 2 are fine, but then technically next one you'd try is the difficulty 4 which is just impossible until your looking at high level troops (personally still not done it with several hundred troops ranging from conscripts to fithlings) yet The Old Pit difficulty of 9? doable with 10 conscripts....

The combination of ridiculously low resources mined, ridiculous amounts needed to upgrade most things, wildly varying and seemingly broken quest systems means its incredibly hard to actually progress in a decent rate unless you do things very specifically (such as aiming for some military unlocks and ignore industry tab almost completely)

So yeah, would be real fun if there wasn't this sort of issues.

Its a great game,but it will be even more awesome if there were a speed up button to speed up the game speed.

Really fun and addictive, the quests take a while to understand what troops you need for them since i can pass a difficulty 9 quest and fail a difficulty 3 quest. I am really enjoying it and am addicted to it but i cant figure out a way to get STONE besides the StoneMine. Is there a quest that will give me stone when i complete it because i need it badly to build military places so i cant even complete quests that i might need troops for to get stone.