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Reviews for "Run Run Ran"

i thought it was ok but you did loose a few points for lacking in originality and when i went into shop when the music was muted it turned on and the music is a bit annoying theres not a whole lot of upgrades but i like how i could shoot and such

Middle of the road at best. I see that you were trying to work with the Temple Run formula, but there are several key issues that really hold this game back.

First, the game has got some truly annoying bugs. For example my score never stuck.

Game play is problematic. The jump needs to hang in the air a little longer. The character has only the anchor-weighted hop and you can screw up the simplest jumps over crates that you miss because you reactionary twitch is off by fractions of distance.

Another game play issue is that your obstacles are poorly thought out. I often found myself unfairly sliding into crates that were placed underneath a sliding obstacle. Also, the horse carts and soldiers (not sure what they are) are often out of place and create instances where the game basically says you lose.

Also, shooting... why? Why is it there. I finally figured out it was a situational thing, but no matter where and how much I clicked no shooting. I don't even know if there's something in the woods to use the pistols against. I can't tell if it's a bug or just poor design. I know that they're useless however.

On the good side the animation and graphics are good. However, without a stable core of solid game play they kind of fall down. Also, the music is good, but one song is a no no with games like these. It only causes annoyance and frustration and you might as well not have music at all for all the mute buttons that are going to be clicked.

Keep trying.

It wasn't too bad but the basic idea has been done already and done a lot better. I got pretty bored fairly fast and I also noticed when you clicked the mouse the framerate dropped slightly. If you rapidly clicked the mouse while running it slowed the game down and made it incredibly easy.

This has a nice basis for a game, but needs some serious improvement in a few ways:
- Upgrade games have to give you upgrades that mean you improve, that you last longer and get further. Other than the wolf upgrades and the potion, the upgrades really only help you get more coins. This means that I am getting coins mainly in order to get more coins, which makes getting coins at all quite pointless.
- While I don't think all games should have tutorials, and I like sometimes being thrown in the deep end, this game needs a few more pointers. For example, it would be nice to know (without having to risk dying so as to look at the counter) that the red coin is worth 5 normal coins. It would be nice to know what on earth the boss is, so that I don't spend 20 rounds trying to kill the villager and/or the cart, only to realise (after looking at other comments) that he probably isn't a boss at all (mainly due to the fact that knocking him over with the wolf doesn't count as killing a boss) and so probably he only needs to be dodged.
- It would be nice to have some sort of checkpoint system. I don't mind games that need grinding, but grinding that doesn't advance you at all, even a little bit, is just annoying. This is especially true when the boss is so difficult to get to and there is no tutorial to help you know what to do. This ties in with the previous point. I can spend rounds learning what I have to do, but not when The only thing I get from those rounds is having found the answer.
- As many people have mentioned, there is a bug with the music, which returns after being muted if you go into the shop, and has to be turned on and off again to be re-muted.

I'm not saying that I don't like Temple Run, but I already downloaded Temple Run and there's not much setting this game apart. I got tired of the music pretty quickly, but then I could also say that about Temple Run.

The shooting aspect didn't add to the challenge so much as it kind of hurt my eyes to keep up with the targets as they rushed by. It took awhile before I started to reflexively slide under the signs, because from the perspective I'm given they didn't look like they were above my character's waist height so it always looked like I could jump them.

Aside from that, the game's animation is very fluid and the way it flows from the animated intro into the overhead perspective looks great.