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Reviews for "On The Run"

Thank you for this nice short game. I enjoyed the mix of stress, from ability to run quick through the level and to do math at the end. I would enjoy more types of calculations (perhaps trough difficulty level ?).

The controls are smooth, i just found the collision a bit "large" (i shouldn't have stomp some spiders).

I enjoyed it. Quick and intelligent.

secondstamp responds:

This review was quick and intelligent, too.

Oh noes. Pixels again. 8 bit sounds. Geez....
I hate pixels.

secondstamp responds:

"I hate everything about it!"

"..Here's 3 stars."

because fuck logic.

The game was kinda generic, and I didn't love the platforming, but it made me nostalgic for the games I used to use to learn my math tables and spelling and stuff. It's a good game for those poor kids still stuck in school having to learn that crap. XD

Some more options to customize your learning would be helpful. Like, if someone needed to practice just their 8 times tables or something. :3

Playing this, it's clear how much my mathematical skills have really deteriorated since I finished school. :/ The idea of adding some equations to unlock the doors works well though, and it's good practice I guess. Feels the platformer would be much more fun without though, and much quicker to play through, but it's a working combo on classic jump and run and puzzle. Keep it going!


Yes, the lack of instructions does hurt the game a little, the spiders for instance look like the general "avoid" type of enemy, I didn't learn until somewhere on floor 4 that I could have killed the fuckers all the time. While we could chalk that up to me being stupid, we could do te same for he match questions. There appear to be no timer and no penalty for getting them wrong. Plus they're just simple sums, there is no challenge in it, no puzzle aspect. Whilst the platformer itself is very much decent, I'm kind of missing the point of putting those ever longer strings of questions between short levels of game. What bothers me most is that I can't seem to find out who the intended audience for this is: people young enough to have problems with the sums and be interested in learning them, which could use some instructions, or, well, us, who could use more game and less sums. It's a good peace of work, but a bit confusing in that way.

secondstamp responds:

If you answer a question wrong, you will get a time penalty: +10 seconds. It'll ruin your high score, that's the idea. I agree a how-to-play would have been nice, but for this project we were under time constraints. We did this in 2 days.