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Reviews for "The Grey Rainbow"

Beautifully well done art, even for just various types of pencils, with a fantastic story line and development. The wording, colours, the music-- everything flows beautifully.

This was a really fun game, and the style and story telling are excellent. I only have two minor quibbles that kept this from getting four stars:

First, a lot of the imagery was a little too on the nose. A phoenix representing life and rebirth, for example, has been done many times before, as have using grey for despair and so on. I wouldn't say it distracted from the story exactly, but it did lessen the impact at points. You're a talented story teller; never be afraid to break away from the beaten path sometimes.

Secondly, you never actually told us if we managed to heal the rainbow or not. I get the implication that you're bringing color to your own world, which I'm guessing is meant to imply will fix the other world, but it's never really spelled out so the conclusion of that plot line feels a bit unsatisfactory. This is actually the exact opposite of the problem you have with imagery: your metaphors don't trust the reader enough to figure things out themselves, but the ending assumes they'll understand too much.

Another plot thread I didn't really get was the Queen. We're told at the end that it's sad they're separated, but since we only saw her once at the very start of the game we have very little emotional investment in that relationship. After all, he never tried to seek her out in the months he was in Happytown. It was still an emotional scene but it feels like it could have been made a lot more so.

Oh - that reminds me of one more thing. When we first meet the Mother she tells us she brought us here, but as we've just been told it was the Queen who brought us that was kind of confusing. I figured out she meant that she'd sent the dream to the Queen, but the initial befuddlement pulled me out of the story a bit.

Like I said, minor quibbles. The game play itself was perfect. In most games I wouldn't even bring them up, I only mention them because this is a very artsy and story-based game.

Looking forward to your next game. (and there had better be a next one. If there's not, I'll... well, I can't actually do anything, but I will give you a stern look through the computer)

BlackOlive responds:

Okay, where to start...
The phoenix and the greyness were some of the things I thought about in the very beginning of writing the story. They felt right. And one thing I've learned, if something feels right, it should be left the way it is. Trying to be more original actually cheapens the experience and feels less authentic.
As for your second question, well... I'd like to leave that explanation implicit, instead of explicit. Each of us should have their own idea of what the ending means, but not in some obscure sort of way; rather, each of us should be able to see the potential for change in their own way. If you really, REALLY want my own answer (and if you promise not to share it ANYWHERE), contact me on pm :)

And about the Queen. The idea at the beginning was that you'll be able to return to the Queen before you leave forever. But I realized it would kind of destroy the pacing at that stage. And more importantly, life goes on. Deal with it. (not talking about you, talking about it in general ;)

And about Mother - yes, that referred to the fact that she sent the vision to the queen in the first place.

And don't worry, there'll be a next game. Just not another Grey rainbow game. It'll be a very different one (although still a point and click adventure)

Most of the puzzles were really creative and I never felt frustrated or confused, which is always good in games like this.
However, some shortcomings keep me from giving a higher score.
The story kind of reminds me of the Neverending Story, one of my all-time favourites, more or less a deep fairy tale that explains how important imagination really is and how wonderful it can make life. Unfortunately, that isn't the main focus and instead it tries to convey a message on change that, while being clever and overall right, definitely isn't my thing.
The music is good, but there isn't much variety and it wears off its welcome very quickly since it's put on a loop and usually it doesn't fit the moment at all.
The artwork looks childish. I think that's done on purpose and it generally fits the mood of the game, but i'm not particularly fond of it.
In a nutshell, I think this would work better as an animation or a child book rather than a game. The elements are there, the execution isn't perfect.

I just about abandoned it after talking to the lady in the beginning, then clicking randomly all over the screen trying to actually start walking somewhere. I even opened the map and tried to click some random places there, but since nothing happened, I closed it again. The very smart book was no help with that either.

BlackOlive responds:

Umm... you just click on the map and then click on the mountain. Just like the Lady says.

Cool game

So another great game here the point and click is always nice, Its like its very own fantasy world here in this game and the art really plays off well of that aspect, Characters are unique in there own way, and the game plays well so nice work on this one
