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Reviews for "The Grey Rainbow"

Just played through The Grey Rainbow, kudos to the team!
I loved the story and the characters and especially the intertextual references and descriptions, which made me laugh more than once - are :)
The plot is logical and the dialogues are purposeful. The visuals are very soft, warm and homely and the audio complements the game well. Must not forget the programming, I find any bugs so Banko doesn't have to send any ninjas. I only wish the puzzles were a bit more challenging, being a seasoned gamer/adventurer. Looking forward to their future works!

A true work of art, my friend.
The artwork was beautiful and the soundtrack very soothing.
You must have put a great amount of time into the meaningful dialogues and descriptions.
The story was wonderful and made me pause to think many times.
The small writing and thin font put a strain on my eyes, however. A minor issue, no worries.
It's good you decided to add medals, they make any game more enjoyable to play.

I'll be waiting eagerly for your next game. Cheers!

BlackOlive responds:

I really wanted to use the font that i used in the dialogues, as it gives a fairy-tale kind-of feel. In retrospect, I could have made it slightly larger, but alas...

Great that you enjoyed the game!

BTW: I noticed your avatar... I hope you noticed the Dragonball reference in the game ;)

what a heartfelt, beautiful game. So few games help make us reflective on ourselves and our world and this one does it magnificently. I feel better about... well, everything- just from reading it... and that in itself is its own kind of magic :)

A truly amazing story.....though the artwork was like for 5-year-olds, it still touched my heart. Stay awesome and make more awesome games. This DESERVES a sequel! Thanks for a game that wasn't a waste of time. XD

BlackOlive responds:


The arwork is like that for a reason, though ;)

What a little gem this game is, I felt compelled to write something about it! Simple and yet so beautiful at the same time, with a wonderful message about how small things can make a big difference all tied in to the fantasy side of the story.

I loved all of the references to other media too (Bugs Bunny, the "Badger" song, Rincewind from the Discworld universe, the crocodile that swallowed a clock from Peter Pan...), and the other little jokes in the narration all kept the whole game ticking along nicely.

The hand-drawn style is also something unique that I can't say I've ever seen used before. I would love to see another game in a similar style, thoroughly enjoyed playing!