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Reviews for "Pokemon Zubat Cave"

i get the video, but idk why people actually have this problem. thats what repels are for.

LitPower responds:

It's just a little joke I suppose, but i'm sure everyone has faced this problem before so yeah :)

I always watch new pokemon parodies when they pop up, so I was obviously intrigued. By the end, I was glad to see that NG will have another well rounded poke-parody. As a new submission to the list of poke parodies on it's own, I'd give it a 3.5-4. But when I read that this was your first flash animation, I was blown away! That note easily bumps my vote up to a 4.5! If you stick with animation and NG, I expect that you'll have an extensive and popular catalogue of animations to your name. While I may not have any tips on animation techniques, the only feedback I have is keep at it and don't be afraid to make collabs with other users. I would genuinely love to collaborate with you on parody writing and voice acting (since I myself am not an artist or animator). Great work, dude!

LitPower responds:

Thank you so much, yes expect more animations to come as I will hopefully try and get better at animating, and I don't know anything about collab work, how it works or anything haha so I don't know about that, but I very happily would love to work with anyone that is willing to help me in the future, so thanks again for your message, so glad to see such great responses for my work :)

i know how annoying those zubats are. how i know: i played pokemon daimond and platinum!

LitPower responds:

You had it easy in diamond and platinum, the worst was the original red and blue when I was a 7 year old kid, seemed practically impossible :)

When i first saw this, i thought the art needed a bit of work (not gonna complain bout it since you have 2 pages already of people saying something about it) then as soon as he took that second step i couldnt stop laughing. and same part with the golbat cave, great story and great job syncing with music.

LitPower responds:

Thank you SO much, I'm so glad that this made you laugh and so glad you enjoyed it, hopefully the art will be better in the future, so hopefully I'll impress an even larger audience! :)

the legendary monks use that cave to training hard in the martial arts... btw great video flash to be the first project

LitPower responds:

Yes they must be pretty good then haha and thanks a lot! :)