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Reviews for "Fractured"

Very nice game.. It can be kinda creepy and sad, But my bet is that it is just that music in the background. This game made me dizzy a lot but I liked it. It was a very amusing game that really challenges your mind. Well done 4/5

GroZZleR responds:

I'll be sure to pass your compliments to the musician. Thanks for playing.

The idea is staggeringly lovely and new! It makes the gameplay much more thoughtful, and ties neat little riddle-knots into your brain, trying to figure it out.

Nonetheless, I think it's a bit too "deep" and "tragic" for me with this sad female voiceover and slow piano music. Yet somehow the colour-palette is so bright in contrast: It's "Sad Story" vs. "Blue sky and juicy green hills!". It puts me off a little bit.
You could make the game as a whole "darker" to fit the tone.

Or, what I would suggest: You could make an alternative version, with a nice story where a world was shattered by some sort of evil power, and a little hero has to go and find the source, guided by a helping spirit. It would be less original and less deep, but overall more fun.

In a nutshell: Absolutely fantastic work, teensy-tiny bit of improvement somewhere along the line and kudos to you!

GroZZleR responds:

As you progress the world becomes much darker. First the leaves fall off the trees, the lamp posts begin to rust while the posters become much more grim. The sidewalk cracks and splits while the clouds turn overcast. Even the music strips away slowly until only howling wind is left.

I'm glad you enjoyed what you played though. Thank you for such a detailed response.

Mind Freak.....

GroZZleR responds:


good game , however in one of the bonus maps i think nr2 you have to use the flight bug to get to the stairs
also this game has a flight bug ( you can move over a edge without falling unless you jump then you will fall )

GroZZleR responds:

The hit box for the player is definitely generously large.

Very cool game mechanics. Nice idea. Enjoyed it.

GroZZleR responds:

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.