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Reviews for "Quantum Freezer Theory"

Things I really liked about this:
- Bouncy, lively animation. Although not the smoothest at times, it had life in it, which works really well for the theme and tone of the movie.
- Great voice acting.
- Great timing and humour. I laughed audibly at the slap fight, which is something a lot of animations don't make me do. It wasn't an especially funny scene concept, but the way it was delivered was perfect.
- Small details in the backgrounds and such. For instance, the skull twisted to the side was a nice touch.

The only main thing I found a little distracting was the crowd scene near the end, but crowds are really tedious and annoying to do, and there was a time limit for the open round, so don't worry about that. It's acceptable.

Anyway, you've definitely made it through to the next round. This is some high-quality stuff!

TravelSizedLions responds:

Really, you think I can make it into the bracket? thanks, man. And thanks for the feedback.

Wow, you have some fantastic frame by frame skills! I like how you constantly moved your characters around as they talked and made very fluid movements with no noticeable tweening. The humor in this wasn't laugh out loud, but it was entertaining throughout. My one complaint is the voice acting. It wasn't bad but it wasn't of high quality either.

Overall, a great entry that should slip right through the open round!

TravelSizedLions responds:

Thanks man. I put a ton of effort into making sure my characters aren't just standing there. I'm going to try to get some voice actors soon, so hopefully that will address your concern. :)

I feel like it is a nice peice of animation.

you might try recording in a room with padded walls, or if you are as poor as me in a closet to dampen the ecos

TravelSizedLions responds:

Actually, I have a room divider made of canvas that I've been meaning to try. Think that'll work?

bringing the time machine into the future before they had a chance to use it would have changed the future... funny vid tho :D

TravelSizedLions responds:

As the Doctor has said, "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff."

-- In layman's terms, I just wanted to throw a monkey in there somewhere. :)

Is that a BYU hoodie I see?

TravelSizedLions responds:

Haha, yeah. I'm LDS. So is Schafdawg.