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Reviews for "The Adventures of Zomboy"

Pretty good flash animation, but I had some serious problems with this game. First of all, I couldn't complete it as of the time this interview was written, since I had 6/7 map pieces and have explored everything that I think I can explore as thoroughly as possible. The locations of the map pieces are not very intuitive. You tried to create one of those time consuming, detailed point and clicks (Monkey Island, The Blackwell Legacy, Gemini Rue) but used the simple mechanics of a flash game and the laziness of your own personal game making. The map pieces aren't even real items.. you don't find them, they are almost like a reward for playing the game. This is silly, since the whole point of this game is to collect them and leave.

Secondly, this game is BORING. It's about zombies, but there's nothing creepy about it at all. Nobody cares that your character is a zombie, and for some reason while all other zombies are shambling undead murderers, the main character is lucid, mostly non-violent, and grossed out by his own being. There is actually no special reason for this character to be a zombie, because it only comes into play twice: when you wake up and forget how to read (wtf) and when you bite the drunkard. That's it. No one ever even MENTIONS the fact that you are a zombie. Not even the guy who shoots the drunk the instant he turns into the undead. You created a Mary Sue zombie character for absolutely no reason.

Thirdly, no one has a name? "Gardener", "Little Girl", "Shopkeep", "Drunk"? Really? You couldn't spend some time at least naming these characters? This is just one of the ways in which the creators of this game avoided having to do any work. No names means no characterization. No one even has a personality here, everyone is just a catalyst for the game to be over.

I've never played a game that just wanted to be over so badly. The whole time, every action is just screaming "Get through it so we can end this". I'm not even interested in where Zomboy is going, because neither is he! Nobody cares about anything, even though the world is ending around them and they're supposed to be a travelling convoy of survivors. It feels like everyone is on vacation.

Overall, I found this to be a fairly poor game, considering all the potential there was for it. Good flash animation, beautiful painted backgrounds, but otherwise unremarkable and not worth playing. One star for the art.

Nice idea, poor execution. The entire journey is boring, no one shows any emotion, looking everywhere for that one item to progress is tiring, and looking again for the next bit is even more so, and there is no real thought put into this. The only good side I have to this is the backgrounds, which do look lovely and they look like there was TIME put into it, unlike everything else. For example, when you click to drag the key around, its fucking gigantic compared to the other items, and keys are supposed to be tiny. All in all, you only get one star for the only bit you spent time on, and nothing else.

So lame!