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Reviews for "Relic"

do you know what this needs back ground music,sound effect,victory sound, defeat sound,level up sound and damage sound

this game is ok it should get a 3.5 star rating

I'mma divide this review into two separate parts. My general review of the game, dealing with everything that is not gameplay and, of course, a review of the gameplay itself. Here we go!

GENERAL - 6/10

Art - 9/10
Absolutely superb art as always, I have to say. Each and every portrait in the game just has so much -personality-. It's definitely great for this type of game, and my kudos to whomever did the art. It only gets knocked down a little bit because the battle speed suffers somewhat from the art.

Music - 9/10
Some good variety! I really enjoyed the various songs, and it's nice to hear something that sounds orchestral and original rather than songs just ripped from another RPG! I will admit that I'm not the biggest fan of the fact that the battle music changes genres entirely from the orchestral music, but that's more song placement itself rather than the quality of the actual music.

Writing - 5/10
This is ultimately the part of any game that draws me in, and in some of your other games, the writing is pretty darn good! I suppose the difference between some of your others and this one is that the others are told sort of by the world itself. It's told by descriptions, and we extrapolate from that. Then you come to this game, a game run by dialogue, and the dialogue comes out a little bit wooden, y'know? My favorite writing from this game came from descriptions, such as the bios, and the way certain things are described, like the police dog.

The storytelling itself comes out a little bit wooden as well. As others have pointed out, the game starts out a little bit chaotic, not really super well explained, and that works to this, or any game's, detriment. It feels like it needs to be eased into a little more. In games like the Sagittarian, we're thrown in because of the nature of the game, a goddamn zombie apocalypse! But then you come over to this game. You could have had it start abruptly, by depicting the events in Fjor's backstory, having it actually playable. Could even have had a tutorial of her and a few of her allies being batted aside and all that, but as it is... you're thrust right into a scene of her talking to all of her future party members at once, before they agree and go to help her out.

What I guess I'm trying to say is that you're thrown right into the meat of the story, while the actual situation seems like something that is better built into. Nothing chaotic is going on, it's not a mad dash against time, you're not being forced together, yet the narrative still forces all of you together at once and throws you out into the world.


Interface - 6/10
It really kind of falls flat for me, to be honest. I really like it when RPGs can be played using nothing but the keyboard itself, especially since I use a laptop touchpad that isn't all that great, but that's more of a personal gripe. I guess my biggest issue with the interface is just that we're thrown right into it. I saw some people mentioning that they couldn't save, and that's presumably just because it took them a moment to see the translucent menu icon and realize it's your party menu, and it's not going to take you out of the game to the starting menu. I feel that this interface especially falls flat in combat, since it's rather slow and unwieldy, and your enemies aren't waiting for you. Speaking of...

Battle - 6/10
Pretty darn simple, and that definitely detracts from the game. Stats seem to be somewhat pointless (inventor having highest damage?), abilities are eh, doesn't seem to have any sort of strategy. Is somewhat slowed down by the art as mentioned earlier, so you're taking plenty of unnecessary damage because the enemies aren't waiting for you, a la ATB seen in most RPGs. It's not -bad-, it's just so okay it's average.

- Could use a quality control
- Moar Cinnacat. Dude's admittedly adorable.

That's really all I have to say! It's not bad, it just has some parts that are amazing, some parts that are average. I hope to see more from you in the future, especially RPG-wise. Hope this helps in any way!

Fun game enjoyed the fast game play during combat made it seem like an actual battle instead of taking turns. Some of the problems I saw:
My character frozen 5-6 times. 4 of those times I was in the town not sure if that was the reason for the freezing.
My character would randomly get stuck going in the same direction and it took awhile to get it to reset so I could control her again. (I tried playing with the wasd and arrow keys)
Also in the town where the potion seller is there is a guy that looks like a blacksmith and even says if you need equipment to see him, there is no way to sell/buy anything from him. (not sure if you cant do that or if it was just my game)
Some suggestions:
Have health/stamima recharge via lvl ups or over time. (that proved annoying later in the game)
more missions/background for the characters. example why was Coal so determined to take this mission? And how did the smuggler know him, when the smugglers boss did not.
Add a purpose for the floating eye (forgot what it was) other than holding the light in the cave. maybe make it so it can collect items that you cannot reach or travel back to town to sell/buy items something like that.

All in all I think this is a good game that has the potential to be a great game with a possible series. Keep up the great work.

why not restoring health and mana when the party levels up?

i had over 480 rooks and the next time i checked the menu i had 270 rooks. how did i loose over 100 rooks? i did not buy anything, i trained the party, opened treasure chests and saved...